Task Template in Pre-Existing Tasks

Love the new task template function in Asana. However, it’d be really great to flesh out already created tasks with the info from a task template. Here’s my workflow: I get submissions via an Asana form and need to flesh out the same set of subtasks depending on the category of work requested. So it’d help cut out a lot of admin work if I could select a specific task template and those pre-populated subtasks generate in said task.



I am not sure this feature will ever exist, just like project templates can’t be applied to existing projects. However there is a solution around automation, and in your case Flowsana to the rescue, see The Asana automation bible: all the triggers and actions from Asana, Zapier, Flowsana, Make.com for details
cc @Phil_Seeman


Oh wow! TIL about Flowsana. I’ll definitely check that out and see what Zapier automations I can make. Thanks!

I have an editorial calendar already set up for the year. Can the task templates be applied to pre-existing projects? I’ve tried automations with Flowsana and Rules so I know the capability is there for new tasks, but so far I’ve had no luck converting my already complete calendar to task templates. The rule that changes the tags works, but the Flowsana rule that sets the description and collaborators is not.


What do you mean by applying a task template to a project? You want existing tasks to “apply” a task template? This is indeed not possible.

Or have the chance to create a task, using template from the timeline. Because as soon as you create, it’s created as a regular task, and no Template could be selected

same for me, I’d would be a productivity boost for my team if we could apply a task template to an existing task


Seria grandiose


We use the exact same workflow as @anon17860235 . Or rather, we are about to move over to Asana forms (have been using Wufoo integration). We were really hoping that one of the benefits of doing all the work to rebuild our form in Asana directly would be the ability to automate adding the subtasks (via a task template) to specific submissions depending on the category of work requested. Right now we have to copy and past the subtasks over every time. Very disappointing that even if there isn’t that automation that there isn’t at least an easier way to add the subtasks to a task without copying and pasting from a different task.

My use case: I have 100s of backlog and feature request tasks. I’ve finally built out a template for them and I’d really like to apply that template so that I can more quickly adjust them.


Any update here? This too is blocking me from using Task Templates. I have a backlog of tasks and a roadmap, and ideally would like to use Task Templates, but only way would be recreating every single task using a new template. Why isn’t there is “Convert To [Template Task Name]”? Is this planned?


@anon29847152 we don’t know, Asana does not share their roadmap publicly.

Summary: After the task has been created you can choose to insert a template.

Use Case:
Our tasks start as subtasks in other projects and then move into our board (where the template lives).

Currently, we have to manually insert the template into each task.

It would be nice to have the option to assign a template after creation so that we can populate the template content quickly

For clarity @anon40901172

You are referring to Task Templates, correct?

When a task is added to a project, you want a rule that will add subtasks (currently available) but Task Templates, correct?

I believe this has been asked for before and should be added. However, you can use the Rule to add subtasks so for now just duplicate your Task Templates into the rules.

Nope, no rule needed. I just want to be able to give a task an existing template after it’s been created without one.

Is there an answer to this question? I have the same issue. I can’t insert a task template into an existing task.

Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Inge_Saris!

Unfortunately that is not possible yet. You can upvote on the existing feedback request thread here
A workaround is mentioned here

Another possible work around

If your primary objective is to get subtasks added, then create a new “blank” task based on the template, then go to that newly created task details and select “Merge duplicate tasks” from the drop down menu, selecting the task you want to add the subtasks to. This will effectively apply the template.

Depending on what your template has in it, this may or may not be possible for your situation, but probably can help a number of people.

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Wow that’s really nice :exploding_head:

I can’t believe you can’t do this in Asana. You can do this in ClickUp very easily. When will we get this?