Task Template in Pre-Existing Tasks

Asana doesn’t share its roadmap, we don’t know exactly.

Would be a great feature addition if you could apply a task template in a project to an already created task. Notion has this feature for tasks that have already been created - you just delete all the content in the body of the database item and it allows you to apply a template to that task. To my knowledge, this isn’t possible in Asana. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

I know Asana has a way to merge duplicate tasks together (for instance, if someone created a task and someone else created a task with the template, you can merge those two together into one), but it’s not quite the same.

Hello @Paul_Matsushima, one of the best workarounds at the moment is indeed the merging of tasks. Meaning to create a new task from the template and merge it into the existing one.

Now we also have an existing feedback request thread about exactly what you are asking for so I have merged your post. Since you haven‘t voted here yet please don‘t forget to do so :slight_smile:

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Workaround for applying sub-tasks in bulk (aka template) to existing tasks…

  1. Go to your List and create a special “Tag”
  2. Go to Workflow and create a new Rule that says "WHEN tag is changed - > Check if Tag Contains [Special Tag Name] → DO THIS create subtasks → add the subtasks you have in the template
  3. Return to List and add add the “Tag” to the tasks you want the sub-tasks applied.
  4. Rule will run and sub-tasks will be added.

Welcome, @Tyler_M, and I agree that’s a great workaround and the one I use.

But a clarification: Instead of “tag” I think you mean a single select custom field. (There’s a tag feature in Asana but rules don’t understand it, but you can achieve this with a single select custom field.)



Good catch! That is correct - looks like I made this field and just named it “tag” as well. Thanks!

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Great; thanks. I usually name such a field “Do” or “Action” and each value (like “Add such and such subtasks”) can be used to trigger a different rule action.

Plus one for this request. We have tons of existing tasks, and would like a one-click solution to update their subtask templates. An “apply template” option would remove all existing subtasks from the task and add the ones from the template we have set up.


This workaround was perfect!
I think it even works better than mass applying to tasks!

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