Apply Task template to Subtask

I am loving the new task templates. However, it doesn’t seem that you can apply a task template to a new subtask. It would be great if that functionality was added.


This is exactly what I’m in here to find as well! We have tasks where several subtasks are needed to complete the parent. And one of the subs requires the same fields answered

I can accomplish this template on the Task level no problem. Not so much out of the subtask level.


2. Add the ability for a default template in a specific board (so it will apply to subtasks - not only tasks that created in the board)


Hello @Ziv_Weissman,
Since there is an existing feedback request about this topic I have merged your post into that thread.

A workaround is creating a task from a task template and then converting the task to be become a subtask of the task you want.

Otherwise have a look into Flowsana

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Task Templates are great for creating Parent tasks but a lot of the time we need to have a Task Template that can be added inside a Parent’s subtasks list.

Currently the only way to do this is to go to “List” view, click “+ Add New” and select our Task Template. Then we open up the Parent Task and drag the Task Template into the Subtask list.

This is complicated enough that it adds a barrier for our junior team members to follow through on. It would be great when you are in a Parent Task and you click the “+ Add subtask” button you would get the option to use a Task Template.


Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @anon81101530!

I have merged your post into an existing feedback request thread. Don’t forget to upvote there.

Workaround: Until/if this feature becomes available, if you’re on the Business or Enterprise plan, I use the Rule action “Subtasks” (under Create new) as a corollary to task templates for the purpose of subtasks. Virtually all the same capabilities are there. They sound like very different features, but I use them interchangeably as appropriate.

Hope that helps,



We have reacquiring situations that can have different outcomes and would love to be able to pick templates in sub tasks as well.

If you are using the Business version of Asana, then you can use a rule to automatically add subtasks. In the rule you can setup the subtasks as if they were templates.
This is not exactly what you’re asking for, but it can be a solution for the moment.



Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @anon25773933!

The solution Julien mentioned is great as you can have various triggers such as custom fields etc.

Now I have also merged your post into an existing feedback request thread, don‘t forget to upvote there.

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It is currently impossible to have a sub-task template and use them in an automation.
That would save the time of creating and prefilling multiple subtasks.

Hi @Tristan_Benoit you can in rules have subtasks that also add and these can follow a template.

Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Tristan_Benoit :wave:

As @Danielle-GenD mentioned you can have rules add subtasks automatically. Otherwise I can also recommend having a look at Flowsana.

Hey @Andrea_Mayer the problem isn’t not being able to create subtasks in a rule but rather not being able to aply a template to those sub-tasks like we can with a task.

If I have to asign 12 tasks containing a given description folowing a given trigger, I can simply use the template 12 times.

Now if I have to do the same thing with a sub-task I will have to manualy fill the description field for the 12 sub-tasks! Tedious!

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Yeah correct currently you would have to do this one time in the rule but then you can use the rule whenever needed and you won‘t have to do it again.

Otherwise another workaround is to create a task template, then create a new task from the template and convert it to become a subtask of the other task.

Also I have actually now found an existing feedback request thread so I merged your post. Since you haven‘t left your vote yet please do so by scrolling to the very top and click on „vote“.


This is a good workaround in some cases, but it unfortunately there is a limit of 20 subtasks.


FYI if you use the “Add subtasks” rule action in our Flowsana integration, it has no limit as to the number of subtasks.


Agree - needs to be added. Referring to other add-ons doesn’t help. I need to be able to add templated checklists as subtasks to tasks. This suggested workaround doesn’t help me add a standard list of actions that need to be completed for these tasks.

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Keeping this relavant… the task templates are AWESOME. We need them on the sub-task level so we can “choose from task templates” when creating a sub-task. Please and thank you!!!