Take action and/or send notifications for tasks where last activity date is +10 days

I’ve searched the boards but haven’t located any recent threads on this topic or confirmation of an enhancement.
I’m looking for the ability to create a workflow or enable a utility that will query any task in one or more specified states (In Progress, Blocked etc.) for tasks with no activity within the past 10 + days an email or slack will go to requestor and collaborators (configurable) with a custom message.
This should also allow action to be taken such as moving the task to a specific state or highlighting it in some way.
Once activity is registered the ticket should revert back to it’s previous state as long as it has not been closed or moved to a blocked state since the alert.

This is sadly not something available. There is a “modified” date, but I don’t believe it includes comments :thinking:

Hi @Valecia_Goodnow , you may want to vote on this:

1 Like

Apparently it does:


Thanks for clarifying!

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