Stacked bar charts for dashboards 📊

Hi Asana community!

I’m Richard, an Asana Forum Leader and Asana Solutions Partner, here to share Asana’s latest update :drum:

With a background in Architecture, I’m a super-visual person. So when Asana launched Dashboards way back in Sep 2020, I was over the moon! But I soon realised one thing - stacked bar charts were missing.

Well, the wait is finally over and I’m thrilled to announce that Stacked bar charts are coming soon to all your dashboards in Asana, including Projects, Portfolios and Universal Reporting!

This new chart style opens the door to more options for you to represent your data, essentially adding a ‘3rd layer’, beyond the X & Y axis of a Bar chart; the new ‘Group by’ option allows for splitting the Y axis of your bars into segments, either based on your own custom fields or native fields such as Assignee or Task status.

This feature will allow you to compare multiple datasets simultaneously, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions more efficiently.



  • Where can I use the Stacked bar chart?: The stacked bar chart can be used in Dashboards within Projects, Portfolios and Universal Reporting (under Insights).

  • What happens when I hover my mouse over a segment of a bar?: You will see a list of all Group by options, with the one you hover over, indicated in bold.

  • What happens when I click on a segment of a bar?: As with all other charts, you will be taken to the search results, listing the items within the segment of the stacked bar that you just clicked on.

Let us know if you have any other questions in the comments below!

Please note, this update is being gradually rolled out and it will be available to customers on legacy Business, Advanced, Enterprise and Enterprise+ plans soon.


Exciting News. When exactly is this scheduled to be released?

Hi @Gbateman , welcome to the forum :wave:

This feature should be fully rolled out now. Try refreshing your browser or restarting your desktop app so you can see the update.


Could you help me how I can do this with stacked bar chart? Attached photo is how I want it looks like.

X axis- Weeks (based from task creation)
Y axis - Task count
Grouped by custom field

We basically want to see how many tasks per region (there’s a custom field for the regions) per week. Thanks so much, this would be really helpful

Hi @Krista_Montesa , sorry to be the bearer of bad news but unfortunately the new Stacked bar charts don’t currently support the ‘Time period’ in the X-axis - it is only supported in ‘Bar’ or ‘Line’ type of charts.

Hoping this functionality will be added as a quick follow by the Asana team :pray:

Feel free to create a new thread in the Product Feedback category!

Thanks so much Richard. I hope they add it in the future :pray: :pray:

Can you recommend a work around for me to create a report like that? I’m lost how I can do this without the stacked bar graph in Asana. Thanks heaps! :pray:

Hi @Krista_Montesa , a workaround would be to leverage the other options available for the X-axis, such as ‘Section’ or ‘Custom field’. For either, you would need to create sections/custom fields options and set each task to those, manually. i.e. not automatically based on creation date, completion date or due dates.

The downside with this workaround is that the chart would not dynamically adjust the X-axis around today’s date. However, it may work for things like per month, so you would have just 12 bars across the X-axis.

Hope that helps!

Finally data labels :raised_hands:

This is really becoming (slowly but surely) more powerful. Thanks for sharing @Richard_Sather

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I like it!

I am curious if in the future we’ll be able to change the sorting of the different data labels.

In this example the colours (determined by custom field options) indicate a different health/completion state, but now the order seems random.

I’d love to be able to determine the order so I can arrange them bottom up from good (green) to bad (red) and put grey (unknown) on top of that.


I’ve tried changing the order of the custom field options but this had no effect.


Made it a feedback thread: Determine stacked bar chart order