Send completion notification to person who submitted a form

Hi there,

We want to use a form for external clients to put in requests with our teams. But we would also want the option to automatically send a notification when a task is completed.

Is that possible?

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Hi @Mike_van_den_Bos,

This is not currently possible with Asana natively. You may be able to do this with Zapier if you use the custom field mapping feature in the Asana forms.

Another option, if you don’t want to go the Zapier route, the custom field mapping with the email address will provide you with the ability to click the email address to open your email platform and send the email manually.

@Phil_Seeman, calling Flowsana…?!

Thanks for the bat-signal @lpb! :rofl:

Yes, @Mike_van_den_Bos, you can accomplish this with my Flowsana integration. Here’s how:


Phil is everywhere :+1: