Something that could be interesting to add as a rule ability is to rename tasks when it is added to a project.
For example, our organization is transitioning from just tasks to tasks with subtasks soon, as my team is accustomed to how Asana works and it keeps everything organized.
However, we use generic task templates that are labeled “New Opportunity Template” or “Existing Customer Template.”
A rule that would be awesome to add is:
Trigger: Task added to this project (or task template added to this project) Action: Rename the task (text box with whatever you want to name it)
For now it will be manual for me and my team, but just a thought for Asana developers as they add on to the already awesome capabilities that Rules have to offer!
I am not sure how this would be applied. What is the use case?
If you are going to rename a task template via a rule, why not just rename it in the task template itself? If based from a CF, the task template has those as well, set statically.
Task names are unique, or should be, so how is naming all task added to a project the same going to add to organization of your tasks?
Project Name: Customer Company Section Name: Open Projects Task Template Name: Deployment Subtasks: All the steps needed to complete the deployment.
Since the template is prenamed, such as “New Opportunity Template” this would have to be changed every deployment we do. Some of our customers are having 5-10 deployments a day, and I am the sole project manager that manages all of these.
Having this rule would cut down on a lot of manual entry on my part. Does this make sense?
We have a video creation, optimizing and uploading it to Youtube process set up in a project.
We have one basic task template and various custom fields.
Per video task we have a custom field where we select in which language we need the video.
Based on the selection a subtask is created and assigned to the relevant team member to take care of translation work.
Now when they see the task they would just see the standard name which makes it also difficult for them to locate the task in the time tracker that we use (as various subtasks would have the same name).
If the rule would allow task renaming this would be very helpful for this.
In general we have other procedures where it would be helpful to rename a task based on selections in a custom field.
No, not at all. You are creating a rule to update a task name that you yourself own. You can simply change the task template or change the rule. Something has to be changed.
Why would you have a task template named Deployment just to change it to New Opportunity Template or to any other name?
Because we have multiple deployments that use the New Opportunity Template under the same section. As of right now, when a new deployment is created, I add a task template named “New Opportunity Template” under the Deployments Section. I then have to edit the New Opportunity Template name to the name of the deployment.
This could happen 5-10 times a day where I add the New Opportunity Template to the Deployment Section and manually have to rename it.
For example:
Deployments Section → Add New Opportunity Template–> Rename to “Sell Apple Products”
Under the same section → Add New Opportunity Template → Rename to “Sell Amazon Products”
Because we sell so many different types of products/services, it would be way easier to create 10 different rules that rename the task template to the product we are selling instead of creating 10 different task templates for the products if all the subtasks are the exact same.
ok. Just seems to be a need for a problem that doesn’t exist. You say easier, but I say why blow 10 rules to do what task templates were designed to do. If you have 10 templates, you have 10 opportunities for unique tweaking of a process.
I want the video topic + the language and the rep name mentioned in the task title which won’t work at the moment.
Which creates a problem especially for time tracking also when the team member tries to locate the task to track time towards it as all tasks look the same