I’m trying to create a rule for a Task template that will create specific Subtasks based on Custom Field selections from the parent task.
- If either/both DISPLAY or DOOH is selected from Custom Field, I want the “Programmatic Display Campaign” subtask to generate.
- If either/both SOCIAL or PAID META DISPLAY is selected, I want the “Social Creative Asset Production” subtask to generate.
However, when I select both of DISPLAY and DOOH, it will create 2 of the same “Programmatic Display Campaign” subtasks, when I only want 1. Same for the SOCIAL, when I check one box, it creates the subtask, and as soon as I check the other social custom field box, it creates a duplicate.
I’m sure it’s something to do with the way I’m setting up the rules builder, so any support/help is appreciated.
Hi @Dayna_Brisco , it would be great if you could post an screenshot of your rule builder.
But I would bet that your conditions are set to OR instead of AND.
Look out for that and try and set to AND, meaning that both DISPLAY and DOOH need to be selected for the rule to trigger!
Hi Dayna!
What is your current rule set to? There is an option within the Condition check for a multi-select field for “is set to one of…” and you can choose a couple options that would lead to just one trigger.
Hi @Richard_Sather @billyadams
I’ve screenshot my rules here. I would like the Subtask rule to fire only once when:
DISPLAY only is checked
or DOOH only is checked
or both DISPLAY & DOOH are checked.
Thank you.
I think @billyadams was spot on actually.
You actually only need one Check if, remove the ones below. Click into the check if Assets and on the panel that pops up on the right you have a dropdown choice - you will need to choose ‘when any of these…’ and just select these two, DISPLAY or DOOH.
@Richard_Sather Tried that rule switch but it just created 2 duplicate subtasks when I selected both checkboxes. 

Did you ever figure this out? I’m having the same problem where I have 3 options within a field (Social, App and Newsletter). Selecting each of these needs to create a single subtask that is assigned to a different person. I select the first one and it’s fine. But when I select a second one, I get another copy of the first subtask as well as the second. and if I select the 3rd, I get copies of each of the previous 2, plus the 3rd. So by the time I have selected all 3 option, I have 6 subtasks (3 for the first option I selected, 2 for the second and 1 for the 3rd). I have adjusted the “contains any” and “contains all” part of the rule and that doesn’t seem to work. Looks like this was your problem too. Just curious if you ever found a solution.
Apologies @Dayna_Brisco , I must have missed your response for some reason. I came back to the post since I was notified by @Rachel_Fuller 's post below.
Your ‘Check if’ should have been set to ‘contains all of’ instead of ‘contains any of’. That should only create one subtask.
Hi @Rachel_Fuller , welcome to the forum 
I would consider exploring the option to switch from using a multi-select field to a single-select field. If that is not possible, try creating a single rule for each possibility but that would probably still not work for you, unless the tasks are created via a form from which all multi-select options would be applied upon creation, once and not added gradually. Unfortunately the rules are missing the ‘if added to the multi-select’ or a ‘contains only’ option, then…
You could vote for this here and add your voice to that thread.
By the way, an interim solution would be to use a 3rd party integration such as Flowsana.net that actually supports this scenario… and does a whole lot more!
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ok. thanks for your quick response! I’ll explore flowsana!
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FYI for those who want to know more about this - see the section Has custom field set to… > For Multi-select and People Fields on our Flowsana help page here: Rule Triggers (flowsana.net)
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