Rule to allow multi-select custom field to generate separate subtasks

After some testing and discussions with the asana product team I was informed it’s not currently possible to create a rule that automatically separates subtasks for each item selected in a multi-select custom field. I think this functionality would be very valuable for many use cases, so I hope it can be considered for development. Thank you!

Hi @Adrian_Frieg , welcome to the forum :wave:

The current workaround is to create one rule for each multi-select option being triggered. There isn’t however a way to sort the order of the subtasks being generated.

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Note: Not a solution but marked as such to elevate a key reply


Hi @Adrian_Frieg, welcome to the forum!
Are you using the rule to create the subtasks, or are you trying to manipulate subtasks that already exist? I would use the “Otherwise if” function to create the subtasks (see below).

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Makes sense, thank you! Sorting order is not an issue here so I will have to create one rule per option.

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Thanks for the quick help! I am using the custom field rule to create the tasks, so I don’t think the “otherwise” option will work, since if the first criteria is met, it won’t create the subsequent subtasks for the additional selections that might have been made. But thanks for the tip as I didn’t know about the “otherwise if” function in general.

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