Removing completed tasks from a specific projects after X time


We are using the project system and feeding “sprint” tasks into a “Live” board
We would like to set a rule that removes tasks from the completed section of a live board automatically after a month (they still exist in their parent board)

Is there a way to set a rules like that?


It is not possible at the moment, not natively in Asana anyway. You could however decide to just hide completed tasks, but I guess that would not work in your case?

@Phil_Seeman can Flowsana trigger on completion date?

@Matan_Drory however I could code a simple script that would do this for you… let me know by private message.

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Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Matan_Drory! As Bastien mentioned, this is currently not available within Asana so I’m moving your thread to the #productfeedback so other customers can support this request. Thanks for sharing your feedback!

Not at the moment. It’s something that’s come up before and I will probably add in the future!

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Sure, I would love to see how this can be done via script. I can’t see an option to pm though :sweat_smile: maybe because it’s a new user?

Just email me :muscle:

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we need this too in our organization. Is there a way to do this now?

Use case:
Whenever someone is assigned on a project board (a project), the task shows up in their personal board in an Assigned section (a project) (this is working).
Whenever someone moves the task to their Done section in their personal board, and it has been in their Done section for 7 days, remove the task for this persons personal board, but still keep it in the project board. (Not working).

I am not sure you are using My Tasks properly. When you say “personal board” you mean My Tasks right? Or each person has a project with their tasks?
Why don’t you just hide completed tasks in “personal boards”?

I hope that helps.

Hi! Is the feature already available in 2024? I would like to remove completed task from the board/move the task to another board after X days