Portfolios now come with a Timeline view!

Happy Monday everyone,

We’re excited to share that you can now view your Portfolio in a Timeline View. This means you can see a beautiful, living view of how projects fit together so you can make better decisions about how to sequence initiatives.

As a Business or Enterprise customer, you can navigate to Portfolios, select a Portfolio and you will see a new tab called Timeline. Make sure your projects have both start and due dates from the Projects tab. Then, see a view of how work fits together, the status of projects, and owners. If you haven’t yet, check out this guide article: How to Get Started With Asana Portfolios | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide and let us know in the comments below if you have any questions or feedback!

Last but not least, this is already available to 100% of our users! Hope you enjoy it :slight_smile:


Nice update for portfolio.


Great feature. It would be nice to see the Milestones created in each respective project’s range on the timeline.


Great feedback @JoshFinch!! I’d recommend creating a new #productfeedback thread to encourage your the Community to support it!

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Hi, nice feature and I would love to use it.
But for some reason when I create a Portfolio and want to import my projects to the timeline view they do not appear. What could be the reason?

Do your projects have a date range applied to them?

Hi there -
Looks like this view only shows project start/end date, owner, and milestones. Is there a way you can customize this further? Specifically - make it more granular.
Example - show the tasks and owners of all your projects in one consolidated view