Show tasks and milestones per project in Portfolio Timeline

The portfolio feature is nice, but it has some limitations. Within the time line i would like to be able to see Milestone and tasks, not just milestone.


Hi @anon36108714, welcome to the Community Forum!

The Portfolio Timeline allows you to visualise all projects of your Portfolio in a Timeline view, but Iā€™m afraid it doesnā€™t allow you to see these projects at the task level. If youā€™re looking to see tasks across multiple projects, simply multi-home all tasks of these projects in a Master Project > it will allow you to see all tasks of these projects and in a Timeline view!

Hope this helps!


Hi @Emily_Roman, assigning all taks to a Master Project is a very inefficient way to create a timeline overview of multiple projects. Being able to see the individual tasks / milestones in the Portfolio Timeline or see combine timelines of multiple projects would be a better solution. The Timeline feature of Portfolios is now really useless.


I agree with Rolf and Scott. If there were a way to select a project in Timeline view and expand to see all tasks ā€“ like add a + to each project to expand or collapse it, that would give us the flexibility to see a quick, simple due date view or a more comprehensive task view. Itā€™s really inefficient to have to click through every project individually to see task status.


Thanks for the confirmation @Kim_Ethridge. Since most of our colleagues work on multiple project itā€™s really essential to have an overview with multiple projects in order to make an effective planning.


I agree. I upgraded to Business because I thought this was a feature of Portfolio timeline. It seems like an easy fix as we really just need these projects to be able expand out (show tasks) in ā€œtimelineā€ view. Creating a ā€œmulti-homeā€ home page would be way too time-consuming.


We are a small org that uses portfolios for resourcing, but weā€™d like to see multiple projects on a single timeline view in a portfolio. When I do this, I only see milestones rather than tasks. Iā€™ve seen elsewhere in the forum that tasks are not supported in timeline view in a portfolio, which is a bummer. But I see nothing but milestones. Am I supposed to see a high-level ā€œstart and endā€ bar, as per this screenshot from the support forums? Iā€™d love to have some sort of bar-type indicator for overall project timelines, not just the milestones within it.


Hello @anon20154534,

yes correct in portfolio timeline view you can see the project range.

If you would like to see all tasks that works in the project timeline view:

Here is great explanation by Emily

You might also upvote this thread: Show tasks and milestones per project in Portfolio Timeline

I too just upgraded to Business for the feature to see all my tasks across multiple projects in a portfolio. My guess is that is everyoneā€™s expectation. It appears that workload does essentially what we are asking for as far as I can tell. However, Iā€™m pretty sure that we are not clear why a timeline would look different in a portfolio view than it would look in a project view with the exception that it would only show our tasks. Another solution would be why not add timeline view to the My Tasks under the home button. You have the calendar view there. Why not the timeline view there? Easy fix it would seem unless I am missing something. Thanks!

adding my vote for this feature. Two projects running concurrently/overlapping and taking from the same resource pool - essential to be able to see tasks and timelines for both in one portfolio overview


Hi @Vanita_Sood You could use the workload feature if you wanted to see what tasks are assigned to who in the portfolio

Kind of surprising this capability does not exist. Not having this might be a deal breaker for us to use Asana.


Somewhat related, I see that I can sync a calendar to outlook on projects, but I was hoping to sync to a portfolio and thereby capture all projects to my outlook calendar. Seems you have to sync projects individually which is a tedious endeavor.

Another one who is disappointed there isnā€™t an option to see all tasks due in a certain time period in a portfolio. I want to look at my teamā€™s tasks across the week without having to click into different projects - very inefficient.

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Fully agree, creating a master project is feasible, somewhat time consuming, and adding rules (to ensure tasks are automatically multihomed, which are a bit circular) make asana slow. Adding my vote to add this feature!

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can an existing portfolio be converted into a ā€œmaster projectā€ and if so, how?

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Iā€™m a free trial user and I would have thought that being able to see my tasks across projects sorted by due date would be the whole point of using a workflow system like Asana? So disappointed! I wonā€™t be purchasing. Does anyone know of other programs that CAN do this?

This point has been made in other forum posts in the past but think it is worth bringing up again as it has not been addressed and it doesnā€™t look as if this is a feature that Asana will introduce.

The portfolio timeline feature should be a great way of seeing as much, or as little, detail about all the tasks you have across all the projects in your portfolio. However, it does not do this. Only milestones are represented on the portfolio timeline which is a MASSIVE limitation and will be why I am planning to recommend that our organisation considers using another project management tool.

I take the point that for very complex portfolios with a lot of small projects seeing all tasks is too much detail - but in that case, it would be simple to add a ā€˜show milestones onlyā€™ option, or filter by user assigned, only select certain projects, etc.

As it is, I donā€™t see much of a use for the portfolio timeline view. Users have been commenting on this lack of functionality since at least 2020 - not great to see that nothing has been done about it.

Would be interested to know if others feel similar.

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Hi @Mark_Kelleher ,

Welcome to the forum!

As there is an existing feedback thread on this exact request Iā€™ve merged your post into it.

I donā€™t think you voted for your own feedback so no votes have been transferred (check if you can vote at the top of this topic)

Regarding your feedback, can you elaborate on why you experience this as such a massive limitation?

Getting a better insight into the why behind the request really helps Asana in choosing which feedback to implement.

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Thanks Jan-Rienk

Specifically, seeing all tasks in a timeline format, across multiple projects within a portfolio is an essential part of communicating to particularly senior managers what tasks are overlapping, when, where there are crunch points, where there are gaps or periods of less intense work and so on.

There are other ways of representing this, of course, you can look at tasks assigned to certain people, look on calendar views, etc., but as a clear and accessible visual representation of how projects are laid out relative to one another nothing is as useful, clear and intuitive as being able to see the timelines laid out in a table. In case of need, filtering can be applied to show more/less detail.

This function is a really useful project management and task communication tool and I think itā€™s a feature that should really be considered. Looking at the comments above it is definitely in demand. Thanks again.