Performance issues with rules


I have the following rule on my My Tasks page:

When a task is added to this project > If the section is “Today” and if the due date is empty > Set due date to 0 days in the future (ie today)

This was working as expected for the past few weeks and suddenly stopped 2 days ago, I can’t seem to figure out why. I’ve removed the if conditions to see if the rule would run on all tasks when added to the project and it still doesn’t trigger. Is this a bug?

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.

Hi @Alfie_Coleman ,

Welcome to the forum!

I’ve moved this topic to Tips and Tricks as it it isn’t feedback for changing/adding functionality, but rather troubleshooting existing fuctionality.

That sounds like it is a bug. What happens when you delete the rule and make a new one?

To get help with this I’d advise to contact support, but they are quite busy so it may take more than a week for them to respond.

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My team are relative newcomers to Asana - having started using Asana ~3 months ago to manage the daily workflow of several hundred pieces of content that have to be published daily. For two days now, with no response from Asana support, rules seem to be behaving erratically, and task history/All Activity isn’t logging all rules that have run. Several of these rules help to indicate the status of a given piece of content, helping team members to know it’s their turn to take action, and others trigger notifications to alert team members that a task requires their attention. Because rules are not functioning as they’ve been setup, the workflow has broken down, and we’re having to use non-Asana tools to manage work - which is burning more time (and causing frustration). Specifically, we’re experiencing:

  • rules don’t run when they should be triggered, but run minutes to hours to more than 24 hours after they should have been triggered
  • rules are running again after they’ve already run - causing a selected field option, in this case indicating the status of the task, to revert to an outdated status. Thus causing confusion about what exactly the status of the task is.
  • rules are not running consistently - rules that should trigger a Slack notification only work sometimes; sometimes a Slack notification is sent multiple times; sometimes its sent long after the rule should have triggere it; and even when the rule causing a Slack notification is triggered correctly and a Slack notification is sent in a timely manner, it’s not logged in task>All Activity.

Have others experienced automation/rules-related issues? If so, how did you go about getting to resolution with Asana? And what about actually getting Support when the presenting issues make the system unusable for your team?

Hi Alfie, we are experiencing a similar issue in our board. The rule is, when task is added to the project, move to ‘new requests’ section and remove assignee.

However, we have been experiencing an issue where existing tasks that have long been in progress are triggering the rule, and so some of our existing tasks inexplicably become unassigned and move back into the ‘new requests’ section. It seems the rule is being applied to task that are not new, but sometimes when a status changes.

I have deleted the old rule and created a new rule, yesterday, but the issue is still happening today.

Has the “Task is added to this project” rule bugged out? It’s wrecking some minor, but frustrating havoc in our board.

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Hi rstanley, yes I am experiencing this issue, it’s wrecking havoc on the one rule that doesn’t have any if statements. My other rules have if statements so it seems to be preventing them from firing incorrectly, but I can’t add if statements to this rule, because a new request may come from anywhere or accidentally added into the wrong place - this rule is meant to mitigate that.

I have commented here: Performance issues with rules - #3 by rstanley

But will repeat my comment here:

“The rule is, when task is added to the project, move to ‘new requests’ section and remove assignee. However, we have been experiencing an issue where existing tasks that have long been in progress are triggering the rule, and so some of our existing tasks inexplicably become unassigned and move back into the ‘new requests’ section. It seems the rule is being applied to task that are not new, but sometimes when a status changes. I have deleted the old rule and created a new rule, yesterday, but the issue is still happening today.”

@rstanley and @Alana_Lopez1 - sorry to hear you’re both having issues. If you’ve already tried your own troubleshooting (triggering the rule in different contexts and ways) without consistency or success, your best bet is to follow these steps to submit a support ticket. Make sure you include pertinent info up front (e.g., project URL, description of rule, timeline for when errors started) for best results:

Thanks Stephen, I have raised with our internal Operations Manager, and he is communicating with our Account Manager and finding out if our other teams are experiencing the issue as we have a similar rule across boards. Will share this back to the Operations Manager.

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@Forum-team, There are multiple similar reports; see also:

Please consider escalating as a critical bug.



@Forum-team, There are multiple similar reports; see also:

Please consider escalating as a critical bug.



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Hi everyone, sorry for the trouble. Our team has confirmed there’s an ongoing issue affecting rules, but they are already working on a fix. Things should get back to normal soon. I’d appreciate it if you could check for performance improvements today and let me know.

I’ll share any updates from the Developers with you as soon as we have them.

Thanks for your patience!


Thanks for the input everyone and insight Vanessa, glad it’s being looked at!

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Hi everyone, our Developers have pushed a fix for the issue with rules, and things should be back to normal now. If you still experience issues after refreshing Asana, please let me know! Thanks.

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