Outlook plug-in authorization fails

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Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
I would like to re-open this topic Asana for Outlook Add-In not working in Outlook application.
Until last week, we could use the Outlook plug-in without problems, now we have the same behavior that if we try to log in, we get the message:
Bild (1)
{“errors”:[{“message”:“Server Error”}]}

We are using an Asana Enterprise subscription with
I tried all previously mentioned solutions and none of them worked.

Steps to reproduce:

Browser version: Microsoft Edge Version 115.0.1901.203 (Official build) (64-bit),
Microsoft® Outlook® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2302 Build 16.0.16130.20690) 32-bit.

What version of Asana are you using (Basic/Premium/Business/Enterprise)? Enterprise

Upload screenshots below:
Bild (1)
After closing the message it shows:
{“errors”:[{“message”:“Server Error”}]}

hi @Thomas_Roos I am having the same issue. My asana for Outlook is not working. It’s working in NEITHER Outlook desktop or Outlook for Web. I just spent an hour with Microsoft support and we tried un-installing, re-installing but still have the same outcome. Here’s the error message I get, same as yours above.

i am on Windows 10 Pro, Microsoft® Outlook® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2307 Build 16.0.16626.20170) 32-bit

I put in a ticket with asana support… not sure if this is a global bug?

Hi @Thomas_Roos and @Adina_Zaiontz, sorry for the trouble with the Outlook plug-in. I’ve escalated this case to our Developers for investigation and will get back to you as soon as I have any updates!

Thank you, Vanessa, for the information. I hope we can resolve the issue soon.

Kind regards,



@Thomas_Roos are you still stuck?

@Bastien_Siebman ,
unfortunately yes; however the error message changed the appearance:


Hi @Vanessa_N , how is the investigation running? It seems the issue impacts other services as well and I hope for a solution

Hi @Thomas_Roos, unfortunately our Developers don’t have an ETA to share yet, but they are actively investigating the problem. As soon as I have any updates I’ll let you know. Sorry for the inconvenience!

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Hi @Vanessa_N , today I tried again to log in and the error message does not appear anymore and I can now use the plug-in again. Not sure what you did, but it seem to have worked.

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@Thomas_Roos great, does that include our iDO app as well?

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Thanks for confirming, @Thomas_Roos. The developers have confirmed that the issue has been fixed. I’m closing the topic, but if there’s anyone still running into issues, please let me know! :slight_smile:

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