Option To Archive Teams

Incredible this is not a feature yet :confused:

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Yes please. Make this happen. Really annoying this is not possible. My sidebar is exploding with old teams we don’t use anymore.

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+1 Seriously! Please listen to your users, Asana!

+1 for the option to archive teams, please!

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Not being able to archive teams is driving us crazy!!!


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Bumping this for all the reasons listed above. This is an important feature for agencies.


When deleting a team, Asana should either allow the option to keep all related items (projects, tasks, templates) OR provide a prompt to bulk-move into a new team. Having to do this one-by-one is not sustainable, and isn’t possible for projects that may have been private.

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Welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave: @anon80016073

I agree that this would be very helpful to be able to archive teams with all the projects

I have found this existing feedback request I recommend upvoting: Option To Archive Teams


THANK YOU! Will do!

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Just adding my +1… this has been consistently requested since 2018. It seems like such a basic request and not implementing it is starting to make Asana unsustainable for lots of companies. It’s also the only reason we can use Asana for only internal purposes and can’t expose our clients to the product.


I mentioned it to our new rep as a reason we would consider moving away from Asana. He said he “would share with the product team.”


BUMP - how is this still not a feature? I can’t think it would be a problematic addition, and it has been consistently requested since 2018. As an agency owner, I’m considering a different platform simply because it’s too messy to keep all our clients in view, yet I can’t delete the data.


Jordan - I cannot get anyone to give me an answer on whether this is a roadmap. Our contract ends in Q1 and I’m already researching other options. The lack of response is astounding.

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Hi All,

We have been using Asana for many years now…and the simplest work around is to make a user account that is on all teams, and just remove all the other users. In our case, we have a dedicated account that is the Super Admin, and is not an active user.

Its not perfect - but nothing is, and having Asana in our workflow is more than worth this simple work around!

I hope this suggestion helps a few of those frustrated folks out there. Good luck!

*remove all other users from a Team you wish to Archive

I appreciate that as a workaround, it’s not a solution. It’s a pretty manual process

Hi, does anyone move all of the team’s projects to one Portfolio and treat that as the archive, since the people need to be removed anyway?

Just seeing if anyone has found success with a portfolio workaround

@Jeff_Bethune @anon61735603