I have created a chart with the sum of estimated time for the upcoming month. The idea is to get an estimation of upcoming invoicing. I have one chart for the goal of invoicing and wanted to compare against the estimated invoicing of upcoming tasks.
BUT, when I sum the estimated hours, it counts days and hours instead of just hours. So in order to get the correct number I have to do this in my head: number of days * 24 + hours. I wish I could change the number format so the estimation (and other fields) could count up just a number instead of date format etc… Anyone else had this issue?
This is what we have done with reporting so far:
A project with monthly income per customer is data source for chart of possible invoiceable hours per month based on the contracts we have.
A project with goal of hours per month is source of charts with individual goals.
A custom field “invoiceable hours” in all tasks is source for sum of current invoiceable hours until now for the month for completed tasks.
The field “estimated time” was supposed to show how many hours is estimated for the rest of the month for tasks that are not completed.
With this reporting we have full control and can focus on tasks that put money in the bank.
Hi @Metanoia , great suggestion and completely makes sense to see the time format in hours without days so you have my vote!
However, I would suggest, until the Time Tracking feature fully rolls out over the coming months and the Asana team work out some issues already flagged, is to simply use a number-type field, customised to show ‘hrs’. This will give you the summation that you are looking for in your reporting and dashboards.
Here is an example below (make sure you add it to your custom fields library)
Having suggested the above, I should stress that you should prepare to (likely manually) migrate your values if you want to keep using these projects in the event you want to move to using the native time tracking feature in them. In other words, if these projects are NOT long term, then I would follow my suggestion using a number field for the time being.
Otherwise, we will all just have to sit tight, as I’m sure the Asana team are hard at work at getting this promising feature fully rolled-out whilst taking into account all suggestions in the forum.
Hi @Amanda_Pike ! The numeric custom field I suggested above was for a custom field ‘Estimated Hours’, which is similar to the native time tracking ‘Estimated hours’ field in the sense that they both do not provide a timer. The timer is only available for the Actual Hours field, which makes sense.
I’m not sure how a timer would work for other types of numeric custom field though. What use cases did you have in mind? Perhaps you should create a new topic in the project feedback section where people could comment and vote on.
Just a note that myself, like other Partners on the forum, do not work for Asana (so we don’t have visibility of their roadmap). Instead, we provide consulting services to help teams to get the most out of Asana by designing and setting up workflows to get them up and running with ease
Hi, Richard. Was thinking we would like to use the timer for our custom Actual Hours field until we’re able to switch to the native field. No other use in mind. Thanks!
This absolutely has my vote! We bill clients based on hours per month and it’s much easier to use the Actual time field to track our hours so we can see each input broken out over the month and not have to constantly update a numeric field. It would be great to have the option to switch it to just the hours total (like it does in the list view tally anyway) so we don’t have to do the conversions.
Actual or Estimated Hours Totals in charts on dashboards total to Weeks, Days, and remnant hours. The first issue is I want to display them in hours. I have already seen that issued posted elsewhere.
In addition to that issue, the totals are based on 7 day weeks and 24 hour days. This makes the chart very misleading and unhelpful. I am assuming there is not a way to define the definition of how many hours a work week is and what days of a week are work days. I have not found any references to that being the case.
As an example, if I have a list of tasks assigned to one person that total 160 actual hours, they will display in the dashboard chart total as 6 days, 16 hours. That is very different then the 4 work weeks (20 work days) it should represent if one person is doing the work.
I first thought there was a bug in the charts until I spent some time drilling into what the issues was. I am including some screen captures of the test project showing the section hours compared to the chart display. I still think this could also be labeled as a bug.
Please give us the ability to update the time format to hours in the reporting section. We roll up our time tracking from projects and tickets from another platform into one report. Senior leaders are also used to seeing total hours reported and don’t have the context when just seeing days/weeks/months for reporting hours. Total hours and man-hours would be highly beneficial options.
Would love to be able to report out Actual Hours in HOURS vs. DAYS. I told my boss, per the Asana report, we worked 8 days on a project and she became very concerned. However, after further digging, 8 days in Asana is actually 24 8-hour working days. It would be great if this was an available feature vs. a manual entry or chart creation.
In the left is “Total Estimated Time”, then “Total Time Spent” and in the right “Sum of Remaining Time”.
Currently, for example, the Estimated/Expended Time Total is displayed in the Week, Day format. This is really not optimal for evaluation. We would prefer the format as for “Sum of Remaining Time”, namely as decimal.
Is it possible to display the chart of Estimated/Total Time Spent also in decimal format?
Any idea on when this feature will be considered/available? It astonishes me that you can see the sum in hours in the project, but the report completely misses something basic like this…
Make sure to add the field to your library (first checkbox) and click save.
Go to your dashboard and create a chart based on this new formula field “Estimated time (hh:mm)” which will display your hours in hh:mm instead of weeks/days!
Make sure to add the field to your library (first checkbox) and click save.
Go to your dashboard and create a chart based on this new formula field “Estimated time (h)” which will display your hours as a number with decimals instead of weeks/days!
In both cases, in your list view, use the Hide button to hide this new formula field from your list view since it is simply used to translate the values into your dashboard - no need to have duplicates in your List view.