Not seeing the Gmail add-on in my email


I’m trying to sync my gmail (not Gsuite) with asana … and the asana icon never appeared on my gmail… am I doing somthing wrong ?

Hi @Yuri_Arons :wave:t3:

I’ve moved your post to separate thread dedicated to your question, hope that’s ok!

Can you check if your side panel is open? If not, you should see a little arrow at the bottom right of your Gmail account:

Once this pane opens, you should find the Asana add-on listed there:

Let me know if that works for you!

Lol… noticed it about 2 hours after asking this question here …
almost lost my mind


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Hahah, no worries at all @Yuri_Arons, we’re always happy to help! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions in the future!