Gmail integration not syncing with existing Asana account

My company has the Asana add on in Gmail. When I click the button to turn an email into an Asana task, I show up as the assignee (I am assigning this task to myself, I just want it to show up in my existing Asana account). Everything looks like it was set up/created correctly. However, when I switch over to Asana, the task is not there, even after a refresh.

Task created in gmail:

Task does not show up in Asana.

@Samantha_Sutton, I had a client who was having this issue and it turned out that she had a personal Asana email that the tasks were getting sent to. Do you have more than one account? You’d be able to see that if you click on your profile pic and have dropdown options for differently named Asana accounts.

Both accounts I am using are assigned to my company email account. The assignee in the pic I attached is the correct one for my Asana account.

Bump :slight_smile:

I’m having the same problem on my Mac. I’m in gmail and search for the task i want to add it to, and then add it. But it doesn’t show up in Asana desktop. If I try the web browser, it never gets out of “Redirecting”

I too am having the same issue where my tasks created in Gmail via the Asana add-in don’t show up in Asana. Any suggestions?