New! Introducing a membership system for My Tasks

Hi folks,

I’m Zaraida, and I’m a Product Marketing Manager at Asana. I’m excited to announce that we’re launching a membership system for My Tasks where you can request and be granted access to manage someone else’s My Tasks.

We want to make My Tasks feel like a personal space to consolidate and organize your work, but we know that co-prioritization in My Tasks is a key use for some users.

With this update, if you visit another user’s My Tasks unless they’ve explicitly granted you access, you’ll still be able to:

  • See a list of their tasks
  • Change the sort order of their tasks for yourself (sorting another user’s My Tasks will not impact the order of the owner’s My Tasks)
  • Filter tasks (only affects you as the viewer)

But you won’t be able to see how they’ve organized their tasks, reorder their tasks, or create and manage sections.

You can request and be granted access to manage someone else’s My Task by using the dropdown menu next to that user’s name on their My Tasks. This will enable you to reorder tasks, see sections, or create and manage sections.

A user can also grant access to their My Tasks to another user via the “Share” button on their own My Tasks:

One thing to note is that the privacy of tasks in My Tasks is not changing and if you couldn’t see a task before you were granted membership, you still won’t be able to see if after being granted membership.

We’ll be rolling out this update gradually beginning next Monday, October 12th and we expect it to be available to 100% of users by October 23rd. As always, if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to comment below.

Have a great day!


Good to see any help for changes to My Tasks! Right now we almost don’t use My Tasks though because of how difficult it is to consolidate and organize the 1000 tasks assigned to any given person (no custom field sorting, etc). Any updates on when the oft mentioned “changes” “soon” are coming to My Tasks?

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What is the need for this? An admin managing for their boss? I would think that if someone needs this level of hand holding, they probably shouldn’t have tasks assigned to them lol

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Hi folks, just a quick note to let you know this update is now available to 10% of users. Providing we don’t identify any issues, it will become to everyone over the next couple of days!

Doesn’t seem like a particularly useful feature for the majority of your user base, but I could be wrong. I’d rather see the grid few extended to My Tasks.


Is there a way to manually click and move tasks? I used to have the ability to hover over the left side of a “task” in which a “hand” would appear so that I could manually move these around.

@Jaime_Troudt, You might have the Sort set to something other than “None.” Try changing that (the toolbar icon near the top right and then drag handles should be back.


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To add to the above - you need to hover over the left-most part of the task. Before you clouds click anywhere, but now if you click further to the right it will allow you to edit the name

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Thank you for your feedback Larry. In looking at this solution there doesn’t seem to be the option of “none” under the sort toolbar.

@Jaime_Troudt, I’m not sure of the exact type of view you’re in that doesn’t have “None” but there are a few reasons to lose the drag handles including access rights (like Comment Only) and I think it may be that or the kind of view you’re in. Maybe @Emily_Roman can recognize the case?


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@Jaime_Troudt can you create a separate thread in #tipsandtricks and maybe share a larger screenshot to help us understand why this happening? (Feel free to block out in private info!)


Oof, this update threw a wrench into my organization’s workflow. Due to the high-stakes nature of our work (patent law firm), we need to be up in each other’s business so nothing falls through the cracks.

This new update requires that every Asana user in our firm manually share their task list with everyone else in the firm. Not a great use of time for our attorneys.

I believe this update also removed the “Advanced Search option to filter by Today/Upcoming/Later”. why?


@Zaraida_Diaz ?


unacceptable, this messes up workflows!


Unacceptable to remove the Advanced Search option to filter by Today/Upcoming/Later

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I hate this feature. First it took me a while to find out why i cant manage team members tasks. Now I still can’t manage even after requesting access and them sharing

Hey @Jay1, sorry to hear you’re having this issue! Can you say more specifically what you’re not able to do after the other user sharing their My Tasks with you?

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I still can’t reorder staff members tasks after even after requesting access and them sharing. Should I be getting some sort of notification as ive received anything either

Hi @Jay1,

That’s working as now designed, according to Asana (emphasis mine):

I guess the motivation for this change is as @Zaraida_Diaz mentioned above:

We want to make My Tasks feel like a personal space

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Hi @Leiby_Markowitz, this is expected. With this new update, we’re trying to make the concept of organization of a user’s tasks be private to them and their members, so we decided to remove these filters in search as well!