Hi folks,
I’m Zaraida, and I’m a Product Marketing Manager at Asana. I’m excited to announce that we’re launching a membership system for My Tasks where you can request and be granted access to manage someone else’s My Tasks.
We want to make My Tasks feel like a personal space to consolidate and organize your work, but we know that co-prioritization in My Tasks is a key use for some users.
With this update, if you visit another user’s My Tasks unless they’ve explicitly granted you access, you’ll still be able to:
- See a list of their tasks
- Change the sort order of their tasks for yourself (sorting another user’s My Tasks will not impact the order of the owner’s My Tasks)
- Filter tasks (only affects you as the viewer)
But you won’t be able to see how they’ve organized their tasks, reorder their tasks, or create and manage sections.
You can request and be granted access to manage someone else’s My Task by using the dropdown menu next to that user’s name on their My Tasks. This will enable you to reorder tasks, see sections, or create and manage sections.
A user can also grant access to their My Tasks to another user via the “Share” button on their own My Tasks:
One thing to note is that the privacy of tasks in My Tasks is not changing and if you couldn’t see a task before you were granted membership, you still won’t be able to see if after being granted membership.
We’ll be rolling out this update gradually beginning next Monday, October 12th and we expect it to be available to 100% of users by October 23rd. As always, if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to comment below.
Have a great day!