Global Workload (Nested Portfolios with Workload)

Building off mentions in a separate post (below), I believe there is a need to be able to see Workload globally within Asana; whether that is achieved through Nesting Portfolios (Workload not supported there today) or as an inherit feature. In many cases, the effort of individuals is scattered across many projects. Personally, I have well over 250 clients that I serve, EACH with a very unique and customized plan defined within Projects that often 10+ individuals are contributing on. Given such, I’m unable to truly capture my (and others) workload without looking at numerous Portfolios at once.

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Thanks for opening this convo @LEGGO! I’ve gobe ahead and escalated a task to the PM who recently launched New! You can now add Portfolios to Portfolios—create infinite layers of organization. I’ll be in touch as soon as I have an update on my end :slight_smile:


As a team leader - I have multiple projects across Asana that I am involved in. My direct supervisor needs to see all of my workload, not just what projects they are aware of. Looking at portfolios, it looks like the only way to do that is for my supervisor to round up and add every project I am involved in to a portfolio?

It looks like this doesn’t work for the individual tasks then, correct?

What are your thoughts on a global workload view for an individual person? Either that, or being able to search by person in portfolios and select everything they are involved in to be added to a portfolio (doesn’t account for indv. tasks though)?

I envision a workload tab on my menu that allows me to see all my team members, but also would allow my supervisor to see mine!


Hi @Kara_Shindle, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:t2:

Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback! We do have an existing thread for this feature request so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing thread to consolidate feedback :slight_smile:

I will keep you updated on the main thread if this is something our Product team implements for Workload :slight_smile:

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yes i’m new to asana and this was exactly what I was looking for. When will global workload feature be implemented?

Dear Asana-Team,

do we have an update on this topic? I’d like to push the roll out of workload estimate across our Asana projects, but I’m blocked by the current limitations of portfolios / nested portfolios.


I attempted to nest Portfolios and it did not work as expected. What I expected was to be able to put all my projects in at the bottom layer and any portfolio above it would automatically get all the projects within that Portfolio. But that does not appear to be what happens and workload and other functions don’t work once you nest Portfolio. Not sure the way it is implemented is actually helpful in anyway.


Hi Asana team!

Do we have any updates on this topic? The current functioning of portfolios is a massive pain for our company. For us, an organization with 300+ people, it makes no sense to have fragmented visions of workload as our talents work across multiple projects. I hoped to create a global view for workload by nesting portfolios, but the option is useless without the workload.

We need to see the workload from a group of users across all the projects they are assigned to. Is it possible to create a portfolio view including all the projects created in the organization? Is there a limit to how many projects can be added to a portfolio?

Thank you!


+1 on a global workload feature for an individual user. As a manager I need to see everything my team member is working on, not just what was added to a portfolio.


Putting in another request for a global workload feature that aggregates all the tasks/projects per user. It’s not helpful to only be able to see workload within one portfolio when team members are working across portfolios for various company goals.

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Another essential feature that we will request for years, with no answer different from “I submitted it to our product team”.


Also looking for a global view of workload! I’d love just to be able to select any of my team members and see their workload. By only being able to see workload through portfolios, you risk accidentally missing a project they have assigned tasks in and therefore not capturing that work in workload.

Seconding the need for this feature to be made available ASAP!


Does the current Dashboard view for nested portfolios report only on tasks and projects within that hierarchy of portfolios? I did not see information on this topic in the Guide. An answer would be helpful.

Yes, a global workload view is viewed as a product requirement by our organization.