Portfolios and Workload: How many Portfolios should you have?

Let’s say: I am a manager with 3 people on my team.

If workload is essentially a tool to track the amount of hours/effort a team is tasked, what is the point of creating multiple portfolios? If I can’t see a full (total hours/effort) workload overview of my team without going from portfolio to portfolio?

Are people then just putting all their projects despite the category under one portfolio, so that way you have the realistic overview? Would love to hear other people’s thoughts on this.


Hi @Hana_Kim, welcome to our Community! I’m moving your post to our Tips & Tricks Section so that other users can view your question and share their thoughts on this use case with you. :slight_smile:

Hey, did that one @Vanessa_N got any answer because we just moved to Business and started creating Portfolios but… I cannot understand how do we see the whole workload of the whole team when you don’t have a global Workload tab but just one on a portfolio basis?

Hi @Boris_Hrsitov, thanks for your message. Currently, this feature is not available across the Organization as a whole, and projects must be manually added to your Portfolios.

I can absolutely see how a global Workload tab would be helpful, and I’d like to mention that the Workload feature is still quite new, so hopefully this can be added in a future update. I have noted your comments for our Product Team on my end!


Please share it with the team, yeap. Not having a workload across your whole team (and cheating it by adding all your projects to a portfolio one) just… doesn’t make sense at all. This, in my opinion, should be one of the first things this feature has to receive as an update… (that’s why you want a service like Asana in first place)


Yeah, this is bananas. And now I face the frustration of telling the team we’re dumping Asana because the single feature for which we’re paying handsomely, simply doesn’t work.

As a team we have 20 people, working across many different projects, for many different clients – including yet-to-be clients – as well as our own projects (eg rebrand, award entries, migrate platform to a new project management stack…).

Some people work on one project for one client. Some people work on many projects for multiple clients.

The correct UX should be that I have (say) four Portfolios: 1. Client A, 2. Client B, 3. Pursuits, and 4. Internal Projects, and I can “View Workload” for the TEAM MEMBERS, not for the PORTFOLIO.

I should be able to batch projects by Portfolio, and view workload for the entire team. Weird.



Portfolios that contain Portfolios will have disabled Timeline and Workload tabs. This can be undone by removing all Portfolios in the Portfolio.

:roll_eyes: Pffft.


If the timeline and workload feature worked in portfolios of portfolios, this would solve a lot of problems from us. Please Asana give us this! :pray:

We want to be able to see all projects across the whole organization, but this is so onerous to compile and keep updated for one portfolio. What makes the MOST sense as a workaround to see this globally is to have each team manage their own portfolio (eg “Communications”, “Partnerships”) and to add each of these to the portfolio global/“Organization Projects”. This would then allow our Executive Director to see workload, capacity, state of projects, as well as increasing transparency overall across our org. But without workload or timeline, this is almost useless for us.

It is still better than nothing to see the portfolio status, but could be improved by the above suggestions.


I agree! I was initially very excited about this Product Update as I expected the nested portfolios would allow for a “global workload” structure. I like seeing workloads across various portfolios but there HAS TO BE a way to see it all aggregated; even if it didn’t show tasks under users where nested portfolios were present. I could see where a global workload would be too busy so I’d be okay with only showing a rollup of effort for that individual across each project. A the same time, I would love to see Workload at a Project level as well! Especially if nested portfolios rolled up to a project level. Being able to click right into a project and see the workload and the tasks that make up the effort would be amazing!

Yes, this is the best workaround as it stands, but it comes with limitations for some since you can only have 250 projects in a portfolio. In some business, there is a lot of work to be done across A LOT of accounts and it is merely impossible to structure the work at the right hierarchy and still stay under the limit. Regionalizing in our case gets us closer, but an adoption of workload through nesting portfolios would make life so much easier!


Is there any update on this? Will there be a global workload view? Or even a Team workload view?

Hi @Tracy_Goodhue, welcome to the Community Forum! Unfortunately we don’t have any updates to share yet, but as a workaround, you can use the tool created by @Bastien_Siebman. You can find more information here. Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Hello everyone,

We recently worked on adding estimated workload for our numerous templates to get more transparency on capacity of the different teams involved. This big piece of work is almost behind us and we want to take advantage of the Portfolio to reach this goal.

I encountered the same problematic as others: I wanted to create portfolio on project-base for better visualisation of the numerous projects of a team but Efforts between the different projects are not taken into account which makes the Portfolio usage a bit inefficient in the current state.
I thought about 1 global Portfolio to see the overall capacity of my teams (similar approx as tool of Bastien) but this remains unpractical to look into different portfolio to understand capacities (plus limit of 250 projects might cause issues if company grows to a larger extend)

Are optimizations of this feature foreseeable? Centralisation of efforts calculation as this thread is opened since 2019?

Is there any update on this feature? Global workload view is a big miss!