Filter projects by multiple fields (including custom) and save different filter views.

Has this still not been rolled out yet?!

Saved custom views is crucial to collaborative boards. I’ve been using features like this in notion for years and unfortunately have pivoted my team across both platforms since it takes 5 clicks to filter a board in asana that should take 2 clicks with saved custom filters.

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Added my vote to this request.

Currently I often find myself creating redundant project to serve as the “filtered view” of another larger project. Being have to save and share a url to that filtered view would be great. (Heck even just a url that represents the filtered state that could be shared with project stakeholders would be great)

@Rebecca_McGrath (or other Asana Community Manager) while the OP marked this as solved that seems to have been more out of frustration than actually solved/accepted/rejected as a feature request if that makes a difference as input to product planning process.

Yes! Voted. And/or save custom quick filters with custom fields. Re:

Really wish we had this ability to save filters (just like in Google Sheets). It’s frustrating to have to set the filter up over and over because different teams need to see different drop down options. Saving the layout for everyone to use 1 category isn’t helpful. :frowning_face:

Added my vote as well. Such an important feature! Trying to get my team to use Asana as a simple database (reduce the # of excel sheets we are using) and we won’t be able to pull this off without being able to filter by multiple fields.


  • For the last year and a half, I have worked out of a project, which I call my “personal project.” Every task I’m assigned obviously goes to My Tasks, and a rule I set there forwards that task to my “personal project.” I work here on the day-to-day instead of My Tasks since there’s more flexibility within Projects than in My Tasks. That said, I frequently work with the filter “Just my tasks,” but have found it frustrating when I am trying to view the tasks in my project by multiple filters (for example, just my tasks, overdue and due today, and excluding tasks from specific projects). I know I can do an advanced search, but the usability and ease-of-access would be incredibly helpful…

Feature Request:

  • The ability to layer multiple filters when viewing any given project.

Hi @Joel_Lee ,

Yes that would be a super helpful feature, there is already a related topic here with over 200 votes as of today, this post will likely be merged with that, make you sure you give your vote here:

@Emily_Roman or @Marie will review for eventual merging.


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Just reviving this topic to say that multi-filtering, multi-sorting and saving different layouts with various visible fields, is a thing! :partying_face:


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