Exclude archived projects from advanced search

Hey @Ceren_Efe, welcome to the forum :wave:

Have you considered moving archived projects to a separate Asana team?
Read more about this here: Reports showing archived projetcs - #2 by LEGGO

And I also recommend to upvote here

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Hey @Andrea_Mayer Thanks for merging my post with this forum.

I run my reports by All projects assigned to me. We have many teams so it is a bit tedious to create a team just for archived projects, continuously put them in there and then run reports by specific teams instead of just “Assigned to me”. I also feel like it sort of defeats the purpose of keeping projects under certain teams to begin with, because it all ends up going to the same place. Our teams are departmental. I’ve voted for this feature ! I think it’s really important to have.

A decent work-around which I haven’t seen posted is to create a new team that is specifically for archived projects and templates. Then in ‘advanced search > add filter > in teams’ lets you you select the team you want your search results pulled from. As long as you aren’t a search across teams this options functions nicely.

That said, this feature is a fairly standard function in so many data systems (I use quickbooks and this is a checkbox at the bottom of every search). Can’t imagine why this takes 4 years.


I strongly agree that we need this feature to have the option to NOT INCLUDE archived projects. Can we have that in the next update of ASANA ??


Add the option to exclude archived projects from search results.
If I would like to see those tasks all the time, I would not have archived it.

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Have this worked for you?
I see some bug going on the Advanced Search right now for me.

I moved all my Archived projects to a new team, but even when I search for tasks only on my “Active” Team, it is still showing tasks/projects inside the “Archive” Project - which is really frustrating.

We have an Asana org with years of dev work, most of it we need for historical accountability/tracking purposes but never want it in a search.
Our eng team is debating on switching to jira just to get a fresh search bucket, which initially we pushed back on - but now if we can’t globally exclude archived project tickets it seems more feasible to just bit the switch pain - our other option only seems to be exporting all the archived projects and deleting them permanently?
Any other ideas here?

@anon77733485 can you share an exact use case where archived projects get in the way? I have a few ideas, but wanted to check your use case first.

@Bastien_Siebman like most other replies above,

Same here. The reports are useless as is.

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@Bastien_Siebman , thanks for the reply.
I have an archived project from 2020, “Old project” which contains a ticket “add widget2 to page4”
I have a current project “New project” which contains a ticket “bug in widget2”

When I search for “widget2”, I get the results from “Old project” which I want to exclude by default, as to only see timely/relevant things right now.

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Just came across this issue. What is the status for this simple improvement? I need this asap. the work around is cumbersome and not realistic to maintain.

We have no news from Asana on this topic. They usually don’t share about their roadmap.

Oy this is a dealbreaker for me, unfortunately. Once I’m done with a project, it needs to be excluded from search. Search is the only way to cull down your task list by what’s actionable now and if it pulls in non-actionable old work, then there’s no way to accomplish this fundamental feature (at least with my workflow). Seems like an easy additional filter could handle this pretty quickly. It seems odd it hasn’t been added.

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I agree it is odd, but would hate to see you walk away because of it :frowning:

The inability to filter for active/non-archived projects is creating real problems for me and our team.

For example, we have a template that we use on hundreds of projects. If we update one of the tasks in the template, sometimes it is necessary to update the task in every project that has used that template which is still active. If I can’t filter for only the active projects, I waste valuable time updating tasks in archived projects, too.


Hi there,
I want to find all the projects that I’ve created that are not yet archived. Is there a way to search that?

I’m afraid not, @Shiva_Thomson. I’ve merged your post into an existing thread where you can vote by clicking the title to scroll to the top and then click the purple Vote button.


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We’ve started using Asana to track quite minute processes in our website and app testing.
Eg. customer clicks this button - expected outcome is.
Importing mass tasks and farming them out to testers. My concern is we’re also creating massive amounts of tasks that could clog up our search function at a later date.

I’d love the reassurance that I could archive the project at the end of the dev period and those tasks wouldn’t pop up in search results.

This is currently not possible indeed.