Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: “Task added to this project” Rule trigger isn’t met with repeating tasks. Although new tasks are created when tasks set to repeat are completed, if the “Task added to this project” trigger is used within a Rule on a project then the trigger is not met. This doesn’t seem correct.
Steps to reproduce: Create a Rule such as the following and you will find that the Custom Field isn’t set when a new tasks is created (added to the project) as a result of repeating task being completed.
Hi @LEGGO, thanks for reporting this! I’m investigating weather this is currently working as expected or is a bug. I’ll let you know as soon as I have more information.
Thanks @Emily_Roman. If it is expected behavior then I would love to understand what I am missing in regards to why a task created from a repeated completed task wouldn’t be seen as “added to a project” upon creation. If functionally it should be seen as any ordinary task added to a project, thus being a bug, then this could be a REALLY powerful benefit to repeated tasks once fixed.
Hi @LEGGO, I just received an update from our product team and they confirmed this is currently working as intended. As it stands, recurring tasks don’t trigger Rules. This works similar to the current limitation for rules that don’t trigger other rules! Our team is aware of this request and hopefully this is something we can implement in the future!
I would like the trigger ‘Task is added to this project’ to be activated for new tasks that can be created from recurring tasks.
In the current rule feature, there is a trigger ‘Task is added to this project’, but new tasks that can be created from recurring tasks are not recognized as ‘added tasks’, so this trigger cannot be used. Since users perceive new tasks created from recurring tasks as ‘added tasks’, I would like the trigger to be hit.
I agree @Ka_Nishiyama , this is currently quite frustrating as you cannot use Rules to reset custom fields (such as status) to the newly generated task!
Would be ideal for tasks genereted from completed recurring tasks to be considered as ‘new tasks added to the project’.
I can see how recurring tasks are a little bit a new task and a little bit not a new task. I think it should have been a choice from the start.
I feel Asana chose the wrong default (recurring tasks don’t trigger rules at all) because there’s no workaround. If they had chosen to allow rules to fire on them, one could have negated that with a custom field and everyone would have been happy.
So now, if they change the behavior to recurrences to start firing, it will break workflows.
So it would need to be a checkbox setting on rules, defaulting to not firing for recurring tasks to avoid breaking workflows, but available for cases where helpful. I think that would please everyone, at the expense of another setting.
Hello, I’m new to Asana and unfortunately can’t find a solution to my propblem.
I have recurring tasks for whom I want to set up the following work-flow:
#1 Task is 7 days before due date → Move to Section “To Do” #2 Task is 3 days before due date → Change Priority #3 Task is 1 day before due date → Change Priority #4 Task is Completed → Move to Section “Done” #5 New recurring Task → Move to Section “Recurring”
#1-4 are fairly easy. #5 I have no idea how to set it up.
No matter what I try, I cant trigger it to move into a different section.
For clarification, I created the recurring task simply by setting a recurring monthly due-date.
So, when I finish the task, it will create a new task with new due date. All good. But…
Whether I set the trigger to “Task is added to project” or “due date changed” or “section changed”… it’s not triggering anything for the automatically created new task.
Important note: To help us resolve your issue as quickly as possible, please ensure to fill out all the sections below. Do not share any private information such as email addresses or phone numbers - This is a public Forum!
Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
I have repeating tasks, created a rule so that the person completing the task is removed as collaborator when the task is repeated, but it doesn’t work.
Steps to reproduce:
task repeated by Asana
remove collaborators that are specified in the rule
Browser version:
What version of Asana are you using (Basic/Premium/Business/Enterprise)?
EDIT: This was initially a bug report. After it turned out recurring tasks not triggering rules was not considered a bug by Asana this topic became a feature request.
Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the bug you’re experiencing:
Reccurring tasks not responding to rules
Steps to reproduce:
Add sections ToDo and Done in My Tasks (I’m guessing other projects behave the same, but I’ve seen it in My Tasks)
Make recurring task in section ToDo
Add rule to move completed tasks to section “Done”
Now the task gets moved to “Done” and the new occurence is created in the same section.
Even when I make another rule that tries to catch the new task being created and moving it to the right section, the rule seems to ignore the new task and it will always stay in Done.
Browser version:
Desktop App
What version of Asana are you using (Personal, Starter, Advanced, Enterprise, Enterprise+, Premium, Business or legacy Enterprise)?
@Jan-Rienk - I think this is less a bug and more a known design choice/issue: instances of recurring task do not trigger the “task added to this project/my tasks” rules as we might expect. There are a few request threads on this, including this one:
I agree that it really doesn’t compute for me why this trigger would not be met. I believe Flowsana does view these are newly created/added tasks if you happen to use it.
HI @Jan-Rienk sorry for the trouble. @Stephen_Li is correct, and this is a limitation rather than a bug.
At this time, rules will only work when you manually trigger them or if another rule triggers them. For example, when you mark a recurring task complete, Asana will automatically duplicate the task and add it to your My Tasks. If you have a rule stating “Task added to My Tasks → Action XYZ,” this action will not be triggered because:
You are not manually adding this task to your My Tasks
Another rule is not adding this task to your My Tasks; it is simply a task duplication.
Regarding the first part of your question, please note that every new task added to your My Tasks is automatically added to the “Recently Assigned” section, which is also expected product behavior.
You can adjust this via the Hacks tab of your profile settings to add a recurring task into the last section of your My Tasks instead of Recently Assigned . Therefore, you can place any desired section last to make sure the new tasks will land there, however, if your desired section is not placed last in your view, this won’t work.