Hello there everyone. Is there anyway to create a due date triggered custom rule using a greater than or less than option? Right now the rules will only trigger options are on a specific number of days and will only trigger to the specific date that that rule applies to. I wan to be able to set the rule to a date range like “if due date is 30 days or greater move to…” I have not found any options for this and from what I have found in forums it looks like it may not be possible but I wanted to check and see if anyone has been able to do this just in case.
Folllowing - very interested in subtask and task due dates triggered by rules
Hi @Jason_Pascual , welcome to the forum
You may want to have a look at this thread:
and look into the Flowsana.net integration which does this but also takes Asana rules to a whole new level!
Thank you @Richard_Sather. So to clarify Asana Custom Rules do not do this on their own, I would need to have the third party integration Flowsana installed to be able to do it? Just want to make sure because I am working off of the company instance of Asana and any separate third party license is out of my permissions/privileges to install and would require a pretty extensive approval and vetting process as I work for a very large Healthcare company.
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