Creating Sections Automatically

There are surprisingly few features Asana has made available to Power Automate. I have it creating tasks in my target project, but as there is no functionality to create Subtasks, I’m not looking at how to create Sections and create or move my Tasks to that Section.

Is there a way to automatically move or create Tasks to a Section? Or for subtasks? Can it be done with the API? There is very little documentation I can find on how to setup Power Automate to communicate with the Asana API from scratch, just that it’s possible.

We have Asana for Teams and cannot yet justify Business or Enterprise until we can get more out of the service.


PowerAutomate I believe can make requests to any API, because it has the ability to do PUT-GET-POST requests. So your next step is to go and check out the API docs or get helped (by someone like me :slight_smile: )

Have a nice day!

I’ve never worked with APIs, I don’t know how to start in Power Automate or how to connect it to Asana.

It might be a bit hard to explain in writing in a forum, so you can either search for documentation and existing blog posts online, or you can reach out privately to see if we can work together on this.