💡 Create a custom fields with many options using the CSV importer

:rotating_light:I created a tool to make it easier and avoid this hack → Create a custom field drop down from a list [tool]


:exploding_head: What do you do if you want to create a custom field with 100 drop down options? Unless you have the trick below, you’ll be typing everything by hand.

:muscle: The trick comes from a client of ours: he imported his Excel file using the CSV importer to create all the options in a single shot.

:mag_right: Here’s how to do it: create a file with 2 columns, « task » and « option ». Inside the option column, write down every possible values. Inside the task column, write 1-2-3-4… or any sequence. Import the file using the CSV importer and map the option column to a new drop down field.

Voilà! How cool is that?
Only problem, and I am getting tired of this, Asana assigns random colors to each option :confounded:

Edit from @LEGGO
The follow up steps are 1) to edit the colors to your liking and 2) save the custom fields to your global library for use elsewhere!

:fr: Version française


@LEGGO the wise, did you know this one?

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Yes! I wasn’t wise enough to list this as a Forum Tip but I’ve certainly benefitted from this trick a handful of times. It’s a great approach when you are migrating a lot of information into Asana for the first time - creating multiple new custom fields on a single import.

The follow up steps are 1) to edit the colors to your liking and 2) save the custom fields to your global library for use elsewhere!


Never thought of this before, thank you!

Thanks adding those to the post

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What are some examples of when you’d want to have so many drop down options?

  1. List of US States, Cities or Counties
  2. Personnel Listings e.g. a list of all the Sales People in your division
  3. Offerings (if you are tracking a Sales Pipeline and wanted to associate scope with deals)

… would be a few immediate examples that come to mind.


Insightful. Thank you!

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I created a tool to make it easier and avoid this hack → Create a custom field drop down from a list [tool]

Hi - this is very helpful but is there a way to import all the options without Asana creating a separate task for each row of the sheet?

No. Just delete the project afterwards, and make sure the field is in the library :slight_smile:

I see - will work on that, thanks!