Copy Portfolios

Not being able to duplicate teams, portfolios or disable those annoying pop ups is what has stopped me upgrading to a paid plan. These things have been requested by so many people for so long. Come on Asana.

@Stephanie_Shaw2 If I’m honest, I think the idea (as worded here) is quite terrible, and far from the “simple fix”.

Copying a portfolio with projects in it will lead to a LOT of errors. This is because you’re copying live data, instead of pulling it from a template, which should be the single source of truth for your new projects.

I think @Justine_D 's suggestion makes sense though. Doing it right would translate into a portfolio template, which is quite a different request from straight up copying a portfolio with the projects in it.


Agreed, these have been requests from Asana users for years.

Just because people request it doesn’t make it a good idea.

Would be good to have Portfolio templates so we can keep the field columns the same. I’m currently going through over 100 portfolios to set up filed columns the same in each one…

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can’t believe this doesn’t exist :man_facepalming:
now have to add 25 fields manually each time I create an archive portfolio, every month, for 4 different archive portfolios.

As I mentioned, that is another request. This request is to straight up copy a portfolio with it’s content. What you’re talking about is a portfolio template.

@Pieter_Willems Why would you need an archive portfolio? And are you talking about fields (columns) or field values?

I work at a small agency, and right now we are using Asana. However, we are considering a switch to primarily because it allows us to build templates. With templates, when we get a new customer, we can have pre-set filters, projects, startup tasks, and meeting agendas that we need for every new customer, on different marketing channels now we would have to make a new portfolio and copy different projekt templates one by one.

I can’t seem to find a way to create something similar in Asana, which is a crucial feature for my field.

So, why is it that I cannot build a template portfolio in Asana, where the different projects come with the correct tasks?

Additionally, we use the dashboard function on a portfolio level to track time on different marketing channels and really don’t want to rebuild the dashboards for every single customer. We could save so much time with this feature.

Is there a fix for this that i have not found yet?

I would also like to be able to duplicate portfolios for a variety of reasons:

  • Fields (as people already mentioned)
  • Dashboards (this is a very time consuming process to set up for every single portfolio I want.)
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I was trying to do this exact thing today so yes please to this feature!

Any update on this?

This feature should be considered for efficiency, otherwise what’s the point.

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This is the fist time ive come to the forum, wow… i am :

a) shocked you cant do this by now

b) disappointed its been requested since 2019 and still not implemented

c) feel clearly there is no point in this forum if we are ignored!

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Welcome, @Darren_Michaels,

If you haven’t already checked, and if you’re interested, this is how Asana handles the many requests they receive:

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but I hope the previous link conveys that it doesn’t mean that a request has been ignored if it hasn’t (yet) been implemented. Also, as one of a number of Forum Leaders here, I can attest that many find value in this Forum.



Hello - echoing the request to copy a portfolio with its projects.

For my use - I built a series of projects that tie together and are shown in multiple projects and would love to be able to copy the portfolio as a whole to duplicate the intricacy without having to rebuild this every time.

i.e. They are checklists by department so some are multi-department so they show in both projects. I haven’t found a good way to copy this structure without the ability to copy the entire portfolio.

Thank you!

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