I like getting notifications in Asana when there are changes. But I get so many emails from Asana, I can’t digest them.
For example, when new projects are added, I get a flurry of emails depending on the size and scope of the project.
I’d really like a feature that batched notifications in set intervals (15m, 30m, or 1h even). That way, when there’s a lot of activity in Asana, I get a timely email with a summary like,
23 new project updates in the last hour
-Task 1
-Task 2
-Task 3
and not twenty-three individual emails like I’m Harry Potter getting his Hogwarts letters.
Hello @Eric11 welcome to the Asana Community Forum
In general I‘d say it is usually better to disable the Asana email notifications, as there can be quite a lot, and using the Asana inbox instead.
Now in terms of more options for the email notifications I have found these existing feedback request threads that you might be interested in upvoting: