Automatically add projects to Portfolios from project template

Is there a way to have projects automatically go to portfolios if you convert a task to a project?

I converted a task to a project using the same template that is connected to a portfolio, but for some reason it wont add it automatically to that portfolio. I am guessing this might be a glitch, but is there a workaround for this?

Welcome, @Rosalie2,

See my post below for some info, and then consider voting in that thread by clicking the title to scroll to the top and clicking the purple Vote button:



I see this option in my project template, and have selected the portfolio I wish it to be a part of, but new projects created from the template do not end up in the specified portfolio.

I went into the template, removed the portfolio, then added it back, saved it, and it is now working. Sharing in case it helps others.

Awesome job adding this. Tons of nice new features that keep popping up. Loving it! I am my only user and this is the best 60 something bucks I spend a month.

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We’ve been using this feature, but I’m discovering that one portfolio listed in the template is not being populated when the project is created. Has anyone else had this issue? What’s strange is I might have two portfolios listed in the template, but one portfolio of the two is not being populated. It works when I test it, but teammates recently created a lot of new projects and the majority of them were not being added to this one particular portfolio.