Automatically add projects to Portfolios from project template

I could certainly use this feature - huge time saver!

Desired behavior:
When creating a project from within a portfolio, I need the ability indicate the project template that is being used, so that I can ensure all projects within the portfolio are following the same process with the same automation of work.

Current workaround

  1. Create a portfolio
  2. Click the + button in the top navigation to create a project
  3. Indicate the project template we want to apply
  4. Navigate to project
  5. Add project to portfolio

Background information:

  • We use Projects to represent large chunks of work (aka Epics)
  • We use Portfolios to represent releases with epics/projects contained within
  • We have a custom template created for Epics

Hi @Paul_Drake, welcome to the Asana Community forum :wave:t2:

Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback :slight_smile: Hopefully this is something our Product team can implement in the future.

Iā€™ll let you know if we have any updates!

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Another topic was merged here, but the two seem to serve separate ends, so I want to bring it up again: From within a portfolio, when I click ā€œCreate new projectā€, I need the option to create the project from a template. Should this be counted as the same topic?

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It would be incredibly helpful if we could add a project to a Portfolio/s at the same time as creating a new project either blank or from template.

Likewise, it would be super helpful to be able to ā€˜Create new project from templateā€™ directly from a Portfolio, along with the existing option to create a new blank project from the Portfolios.

Hey @Melanie_Matthews you might also be interested in upvoting: Automatically add projects to Portfolios from project template

It looks like this is now a live feature, but wanted to confirm if others are able to see it?

Go to your Asana team > Open a team template > Edit > On the left pane, click continue. This should open up a new settings page to add to portfolios when the template is created.


Hey all, are we not able to add the template itself into a portfolio anymore? Or am I just missing something?

Hi! Iā€™m having the same issue. All my template are now just saved in a large template folder. See below. I created a new portfolio to add them but I cannot figure it out.

Hi Everyone,

Iā€™m also having the same issue. trying to do this for new starters, have a portfolio to manage these.

  • Template has been created under the correct team
  • Used a template under that team, as a new project
  • Template made
  • nowhere i can see to have this template added to the portfolio

If i do it in reverse

  • Open portfolio
  • add project
    ā€¦ nowhere to choose the template

The only way i see this working is to rebuild the template in the portfolio


Secondly, seems you can add the projects already created TO the portfolio - its the only way i can see it working

Thanks for this. All working as it should

Had a teammate ask for this today! Excited to upvote it!

Hi there,
If, like me, you have already created the template, and wish to retrospectively ensure that all future template projects add in to your portfolio, you can do this too.

  1. Click in to your team
  2. Find the template you wish to edit (at the bottom of the screen, below members and projects listed within the team).
  3. Click the three dots and click edit template.
  4. This will take you to the ā€œbuild your templateā€ section. On the left handside, click on ā€œ3 - Settingsā€.
  5. At the bottom of the settings page, you can then enter the portfolio you wish your template project to always appear in.

Hope this helps!

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Would also make sense to add the work to all views in the portfolio. Itā€™s in the portfolio - the views are views of the same information - crazy to me that I have to add the same work onto List, Timeline, Dashboard, Progress, Workload, and Messagesā€¦let me add the work once to a portfolio, then view those projects anyway I want to.

Welcome, @anon68302228,

I think there might be a misunderstanding; it actually already works this way. You add a project to a portfolio once (in the portfolioā€™s List tab) and thatā€™s it. If it doesnā€™t seem to be working that way for you, please post screenshots or more info.



Yeah agreed, it does the project thing I claimed it does not.
The not showing up on the timeline view, when there are no upcoming tasks, is jarring.
Dashboard does not require it.
Progress on the overall portfolioā€¦we are not optimizing our work to make the most of this view - using Portfolios as categories of types of work rather than epics or sprints.
Working through the other views.

Thanks for the reply Ipb.

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Hi there! Has the ā€œautomatically add projects to portfolios from a templateā€ been implemented? I havenā€™t found any Asana documentation to verify this is now a feature.

Thank you!

Welcome, @anon42009359,

Yes, itā€™s available for a while now and looks like this:

But great catch! The add project to portfolio feature of project templates should be documented here but is not:

@Ainhoa_Rico oe @Emily_Roman, could you pass this along?



Thanks for flagging, @lpb! I created a task for our Content Team :raised_hands:

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