Assignee rule apply on the subtask

Not by default, no. Subtasks are only attached to a project if you explicitly add them to the project.

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@Phil_Seeman any thoughts on that?

It’s not obvious, but you can use the shortcut [tab]+[p] to ad another project.

I’m referring to this Jan…,

Well, you would need some kind of trigger.

It’s a bit hard to advise you without understanding the place of this in your process, and the why behind the request.

If you’d like we can set up a call to talk it over. DM me if you’d like that. This one is on the house. :wink:


love to do that. :slight_smile:

check DM

I don’t know of a way to automate that in native Asana.

You could do it using our Flowsana integration; what you would do is create “Bug reported by” as a text custom field, then create this rule:

Note that this takes advantage of our Variable Substitution capability.