Assign request to a person automatically using rules


I work for a engineering team, and we look into setting up a intaking request workflow in Asana to handle the field test request from customer, in this intaking request workflow we will use form to submit the request and each request will be take in as a task in a project board.

What I am struggling with is how I can assign the task/request to the contact person stated in the form automatically using Rules? I mean we have a field in form to request customer filling the contact person to the engineering team for this case, and it is this person should be assignee of the task, anyone has any example or tips how can this rule be configured? Tks!

Hi @Bei_Ding, great question. You can set this up using a combination of forms and custom fields.

@lpb, one of our Forum Leaders, shared some great tips for a similar question in this thread.

This approach works best if your pool of potential assignees is small since you’d need to create one value for each potential assignee in the single-select custom field.

The rule setup would look like this:

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:


FYI @Bei_Ding, you can also solve this using a rule in our Flowsana integration; we have a rule action to “assign a task from a value in a custom field”, meaning you would not need to create specific paths in your rule for each possible assignee, but rather can just do this:


Tks for tips Phil, but is Flowsana a 3rd app that we need to pay additional fee for?

Hi Vanessa,

Tks for sharing, I tried and it worked. Only concern I have is that everytime when there is a personal change we have to remember to update the workflow. So ideally if Asana is able to map the Assinee field automatically with the text filed where customer fill in contact person one day.

Yes, we are a 3rd party app and there is a cost.

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