Different Assignees in Forms

Hey Community,

I have a question as a newbie to the forum I’m hoping to find some help from you great people.

I want to know if it is possible to create a drop down in forms from a single answer, that would allow us to add another assignee for that task so it will alert them immediately when the form has been submitted, not just the owner/creator of the form.

I would like multiple choices.

If not, then a choice to direct from the drop down that would automatically send it to different sections so that I can set up rules that would allow me to alert the assignee.

Thank you friends :pray:

Hello @anon82684441 and welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

Having multiple assignees per task is not possible yet, but I recommend upvoting here

Now in terms of custom field yes definitely you can set it up via those and then once the form result flows into the project from where you can set up various rules that move tasks around, assign, multi-home, etc

Now let‘s say you want rules to run automatically for every new task that comes into this project, however you have other tasks created in this project also, then you have to play around with the rules to let them run based on other factors such as the custom fields.

Or else have a look into Flowsana that helps you customize things further if needed.


Thank you for a great answer Andrea.

Unfortunately as I work onboarding and implementing workflows for enterprise level clients it would be difficult for me to be able to implement a paid app. A little too much red tape i’m afraid.

But thank you for your swift response. I really appreciate your work on this forum. :pray:

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Hi @anon82684441

I note that you mentioned creation of rules, so you have access to rules already.

Just to elaborate further on what Andrea shared with you,
You are able to have people being alerted based on the name thaty is chosen from the form. You need to set up the custom field in the project first with all the names involved, then create a rule in the project that everytime a custom field X is selected, assignee x gets assigned

Hope this helps a bit further.

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Thank you @Rashad_Issa,

This is exactly what I was referencing in the original question. I knew we couldn’t assign different assignees in the form, asking that part of the question was a shot in the dark.

What I knew I would have to find was a workaround, and for that answer, I thank you again. :pray:

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Most welcome anytime! Glad I was able to help.

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