☀️ Asana Summer 2024 Release Webinar on August 7 in global timezones

Join Us for Asana’s Summer 2024 Release Webinar!

Get ready to experience Asana’s latest and most exciting feature releases! Join our exclusive webinar to:

  • Explore our latest updates and enhancements designed to elevate your workflows
  • Experience our new features firsthand with live demos
  • Engage with the Asana team during an interactive Q&A session.

Can’t make it live? No worries! Register now, and we’ll send you the recording to watch at your convenience :movie_camera:

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:spiral_calendar: Date: Wednesday, August 7th

:alarm_clock: Time: 9am PT | 12pm ET | 5pm BST

:sparkles: Register here to save your spot :sparkles:

Note: This webinar focuses on our current releases. For sneak peeks and early access to future launches, be sure to join our community program.


Hey everyone,

Thanks to those of you who were able to attend our event live today! In case you missed it or want to relive the magic, you can watch the recording here :movie_camera:

Below are the answers to the most asked questions during the webinar, as well as a few we didn’t have a chance to address via Q&A. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions. Feedback about the product and features can be posted in the Product Feedback category in the Forum.


  • How do I know which feature is connected to which pricing tier?
Feature Pricing Tiers
Stacked bar charts Premium and above, Starter and above
Weighted goals Advanced and above
Goal progress charts Advanced and above
Portfolio PDF export Enterprise and above (not Legacy Enterprise)
Smart goals Starter and above
Smart projects Starter and above
Smart rules Starter and above
Smart summaries on portfolios Advanced and above

Visit our pricing page for more information.

Asana AI

  • How do I enable Asana AI for my organization? Organization super admins, workspace billing owners, and workspace creators can [follow the steps to enable Asana AI here ]
  • Are we able to turn the Asana AI option for a specific set of users only? No, Asana AI can only enabled for entire instances.
  • Once you get the Smart summary, can you edit it? Yes! Once you receive the summary, you can copy it, paste it, and then edit it in the portfolio status box.
  • Can you increase the number of projects included in the Smart summaries on portfolios? Yes, you can add more projects to the portfolio for them to be included in the Smart summary.
  • Does Smart projects dynamically create tabs? Right now, Smart projects creates recommended sections. What you can do currently is create a default view when using Smart projects.
  • Will Smart projects replace custom-built project templates? No; Smart projects create a suggested project structure based on what you share as a project name, and custom-built project templates are based off of best practices at your organization.
  • Can Smart projects improve upon an existing project, or only create new projects? Smart projects can currently only be leveraged in the project creation process.
  • If you use Asana AI to create a Smart rule, can you add more to that rule? Yes! Smart rules gives a recommendation based off of your inputs, and you can edit and optimize the rule to best fit your needs.
  • Are Smart rules limited to what we could build manually or can it do more? Smart rules is limited to what can be built manually, but offers suggestions on how best to optimize your workflows.

Portfolio PDF Export

  • Where does the content (text) within the Executive-level PDF feature come from? Is it generated via AI? The content is not generated by AI, but instead by the content of the projects in the portfolio.
  • Does the PDF export include projects without a status update? Yes! All projects included in a portfolio’s list view will be included in the export.
  • Does the “See Details” link in the export actually take you to the respective project? Yes!
  • Is the Portfolio PDF Export only available if you have access to Asana AI? No, it is available to anyone in the Enterprise and Enterprise+ tiers (not Legacy Enterprise).
  • I have a portfolio with 13 projects in it, but when I look at the Smart summary, it only shows updates for 3 of the projects. Why is that? Verify that the portfolio and its associated components (tasks, portfolios, projects, goals etc.) are properly configured and contain the required information. You should also ensure that you have the necessary permissions to access the portfolio and its data.
  • Can I build a template that automatically includes the same information each week? This is not currently available with Portfolio PDF exports.
  • Is there a way to show the whole update on the PDF export? The exports currently only show high-level updates of the projects within the portfolio.


  • Can you use to track your own personal SMART goals or do they need to be part of a project shared with a team? You can use goals to track individual, team, and organization goals.
  • Do the Goal Progress Charts have to be updated manually with statuses, or do they automatically update based on completion of projects attached to the goal? Charts will not be updated based on status updates. They are updated based on the “report on” criteria you set (task, project, or portfolio completion).
  • Is there a way to tie the day to day tasks to portfolios which helps create the goals? Tasks are tied to projects, not portfolios. However, you can connect tasks to goals via the “Related Work” section. Find more information here.

Other Summer feature releases


Great webinar; thanks, @LoMo!

Regarding Portfolio PDF Export: This feature request

says there are “See details” links making it incomplete (but during the webinar I think it was mentioned there were no links). Is the request resolved already?




Great webinar! I agree with Larry. The “See Details” link makes the export incomplete. Even though it was mentioned in the webinar and in one of the responses to questions above that “PDF exports do not currently have hyperlinks” Not sure why we are seeing it. Thanks!


Thank you @LoMo and the team for the webinar, we are already experimenting from the webinar with the weighted goals and PDF export, we will provide feedback on the relevant posts.

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Hey @lpb , thanks for this callout. It looks like “See Details” is in fact a hyperlink, so I have amended the post!


Hey @Shalley_Asthana , apologies for the confusion. I’ve amended the post, as the “See Details” does take you to the project.