Asana + Dropbox upload automation malfunctional

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Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:

I am trying to automate upload of an attachment to a Dropbox folder, however
no matter what folder I use, I get the error “Enter a valid dropbox folder URL”

I have tried deauthorizing Dropbox, reauthorizing, adding to different projects, sharing the folder link in different ways (web vs app). I can successfully download attachments FROM dropbox, but no matter what I try, I cannot get this automation to recognize an uplaod folder.

You can reproduce by following the example of the screenshot below

I am using the application with a Premium subscription.

Hello @Joshua_Gist another user has reported this yesterday here

Can you check this please?

Also have you ever had the flow running or you just started using it?

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This was my first time attempting to use this flow, it has not run in the past. I did already deauthorize and re-authorize and test in other projects. I will send this issue to Asana support. Thanks!

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