Hello, I’ve been trying to get the Dropbox upload rule integration working, and spent about an hour on it before I discovered that files were going to the wrong folder, instead of the one I had open and was watching.
I have a very basic rule for testing:
When Attachment is added
Check if Task has an attachment
Upload attachments
The basic functionality works.
Note that with a Dropbox Teams account, each user gets a home folder with the path:
and shared team folders have a path like:
However, what I found is that when Asana uploads a file to Dropbox, it uses the user’s home folder as the root of the path, rather than www.dropbox.com/home/
So when testing, if I specify in the URL in Asana that I want to upload the file to a top-level folder in my home folder:
the file goes to
If I try to upload to a root-level Team folder:
the file goes to:
Ultimately what I want is to upload to:
but instead (I’ve tested) it goes to:
So at the moment I’m unable to upload files to the correct location, or to any Team folder.
I tested the same rule on my personal Asana account with my personal Dropbox account, and it uploads correctly; however the home folder on a personal account is simply:
Surely there must be other users with Team accounts using Rules, so it’s odd that this appears to be affecting my Team account in particular.