I’ve just checked that comments are become editable: good!
When someone edit a comment at the right of the comment date appears (edited).
I think it needs to add a classic “show difference”: someone may change important details and all the thread may lose its sense.
I know, @Riccardo_Mares!!! Where is the love @Alexis & @Maimoona_Block??? - all good fun! I love surprises! There is also something to be said for users active enough to notice something before the release is published to the blog, no? Give us a and we’ll call it even! #stayawesome
I agree with the need for a “show difference”. I would also expand this to send an “Inbox” notification to the collaborators when comments are edited.
I might have already read, archived and taken action regarding a comment. If someone edits their previous comment, Asana currently does not notify the collaborators a comment has been edited. The edit to the comment could completely change the actions required.
+1 We really need to be able to track comment edits. Most of the time this option will be used for typos and adding important info. What I would like to avoid is the option to modify information to “correct” mistakes when the user might be concealing an horrible mistake. As of now I mark my edits like this:
While You editining a comment and switch to another task your text is gone when You get back! It’s a nightmare! Why it is not stored somewhere just like a common comment, so You can get back to it later?
Comment on Task -stating that all is good and that we are just waiting for some feedback. Project owner “likes” the task and I see this wonderful ‘like’ in my inbox. No I head to the tasks and change the description to read : “We are horribly over budget and I doubt very much that we will make target”.
Head back to my inbox - now project owner “likes” the fact that we are over budget and I can say in the next meeting - But I told you and you acknowledged it
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add some sort of “edit history” ASAP.
Thanks for creating this new thread @Alejandro_Theodosopo! Hopefully this is something we can implement in the future I’ll make sure to keep you posted as soon as I have an update
Unfortunately, as it stands it is not possible to recover deleted comments via your account or our API, so I’m moving your post to the #productfeedback category to allow you and other users to vote for this feature request!