When a comment is updated receiving a notification

Hi - I get a notification anytime a comment is made in a task that I am a collaborator on, but when a comment is edited I am not notified, so I am missing these changes. Any way to get notified when a change is made to a comment already in a task?

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No way to be notified at the moment no. That is I believe how most communication tool work, Slack for example allows you to edit messages for a few minutes, and that does not notify anyone.

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It’s great to edit comments but I feel the need to notify people interested in the conversation that a comment has been edited, for example, if I have to make a quick comment during a meeting and later notice the comment need correction.

As a suggestion for the feature, we could configure Asana to globally notify or not people based on the liking feature and be notified on our inboxes in the lines of “The comment you liked was edited” or “(…)edited to…”

Hi @Joao_Gabler, I have merged your post into an existing feedback request thread. Don’t forget to upvote.

Also here is another feedback request thread you might be interested in.

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Hi everyone :wave:

I was about to start a topic and found this one. Strange how there are not enough votes here.

I’d like to share my point of view regarding the comments when/after editing…

It’d be nice to have an Activity message saying if someone edited a comment so all collaborators are informed and kept posted. Especially if that comment is quite old, no-one will think to go further back and check if a message is Edited or not… Maybe something like this mock-up would work?

Please share your thoughts… :pray:
