Hi @CHDK are you using a Mac? I had the same problem and just had to change the encoding option. Let me know if this works!
Hey Asana, any updates on importing subtask dependencies via CSV import? @Marie @Michael_A
Not at the moment @Jeremy_P , but I would recommend creating a thread in the #productfeedback category to allow other users to vote for this feature request too. On my end, I’ll make sure to keep you posted when I have an update!
Can you direct me on how to change the encoding options?
I have a simple but urgent question about sub-tasks. I associated the same list of ‘sections & sub-tasks’ to multiple tasks on a project ( in board view ).
How we use the board:
- Columns show the progress of a task “proposal” through the workflow
- Each task on my board was a the name of a Proposal my team was reviewing
- the sub-tasks were the screening checklist (same for every proposal)
In Sep 2018, I imported a .csv with one of the columns being ‘sub-tasks’ and the result was that each task in the board had the same checklist (ie. each project had a checklist of criteria). Now that i am trying to use the same format this is no longer working. It now, must be on the same row as the initial task name. (that makes it so that I have multiple rows with the same Proposal name - very difficult to import via CSV.)
There has been a lot of discussion of importing of subtasks. Apparently there are major limitations and that is likely what you are experiencing. Some workarounds exist. Please see this: Search results for 'subtask import' - Asana Community Forum
Marie, this import only works if your importing all tasks and subtasks at the same time, we have issues when a sub task needs to be added by itself into an existing Project and task. It keeps creating a task rather than a subtask of the existing parent task?
@anthony5 this is by design. Currently, you are only able to import new information. You are unable to link to existing information in a project. This is the case for subtasks, dependencies and even Sections/Columns.
The only items within a project that you can link to are Custom Fields. In order to do this you have to make sure that the criteria matches (e.g. field values equal drop-down options or field values match the field type)
I would suggest up-voting the following #productfeedback posts:
4 posts were split to a new topic: Custom fields missing when importing subtasks via CSV