Add "Removed from Project" Trigger

There’s an Added to Project trigger. I’d like a Removed from Project trigger too.

For example, sometimes I want to keep a custom field and project membership in sync with rules. I can only do half of that now.

See also the corollary (for action instead of trigger) already requested too: Removal Action When Using Rules



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This is a great request @lpb! I agree with you, it’ll be very helpful to have a Removed from Project trigger. I’ve sent your request to our team in charge of the Voice of the Customer Program so it can be considered in future updates.

Thanks again for sharing your feedback!

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I agree, This would be a great addition.


Great idea!!

I would like an Action for Remove from Project also.

Use Case
When a task is moving through a workflow and jumps project to hand off to another team, it would be nice to have the ability to remove from original project.

I see you have it here :slight_smile:

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Are there any updates on this? I have a custom field that needs to be updated when a ticket is removed from a project (i.e. a sprint board). I’m unable to trigger my rule in this case. It looks like a lot of people are looking for this rule trigger.

This states that there is an “add to project” trigger. I do not see one; I only see it as an Action, which occurs as a result of the rule. I want to make a rule with a trigger “Add to X project” and the Action “move to Y Section” within My Tasks. Can this be done?

Similarly, is there a way to have the “sections” in My Tasks “board view” automatically be the same as the “projects” under “list view” (or vice versa)?


The Added to Project trigger is a Business or Enterprise plan feature, so that might be your issue.

The sections in Board view are static so you can replicate them manually as desired, but there’s no automatic groupings like that in Board view, though you can sort by Project in List view.



Agreed! I’m surprised this hasn’t been voted up more and has been sitting for almost five years.

A trigger for “Task removed from this Project” would be extremely beneficial, as it will allow us to perform any cleanup on the task for when removing it.


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