You can now search for Guide articles directly within Asana :)

Happy Thursday everyone :wave:t3:

For all Help Guide lovers out there, I have some great news to share! You can now access all of our Online Help Guide articles directly via the Asana Search bar :tada:

This is already available to 100% of users! And as always, if you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the Comments below!


Don’t suppose there’s any way I can turn this off, or move it to the bottom of the list? I keep opening up the guide when I try to open the first task result by pressing Down, Enter.


Hi @John_DeArmey and welcome :wave:t3:

As it stands, it’s not possible to disable it, but thanks for the feedback, we’ll definitely take it onboard for future updates!

I’m not familiar with this Guide feature, never heard of it before. Where can I find more information about it? :slight_smile:

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Hi :wave:t3:

Our online Guide is available here: How to use Asana, Asana tutorials, onboarding tips, and team use cases | Product guide • Asana Product Guide :slight_smile:

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Alright, I thought it was a feature that allowed to have some kind of guide within our Asana teams, didn’t understand it was related to the Asana product itself :wink:

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I also vote for disabling or move it to the bottom.

At least, it should only display to new users. Advanced users need more valuable info at the top.

Wondering how many users have voted for this feature? For me it does not make sense… There are a lot other requests with lots of votes and taking way to long to be implemented.

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Wow. I loved it. A very handy feature to let our clients know, that help is at their hand with their search.

Yes, for advanced users, there should be an option to switch it off.

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This is driving me a bit nuts, the fact that 99% of the time our team is looking to just search for a task (which Asana otherwise does a great job at finding what I’m looking for), we’re now majorly slowed down to actually select what we want:

I also wish I could move the “view all results” for it to not be the first option. 95% of the time, I want the top result that Asana comes up with, so I would like to press “Tab + /” opens search, search term, then enter.

Instead now I have to do “Tab + /”, search term, Press “down + down” then enter. 2 unnecessary keystrokes each time, of which happens at least a dozen or more times a day causes quite a bit of fatigue.

Why not trust your search functionality and recommend the top task/project based on what is type in, so simply pressing “enter” goes into it, if you want to “search all” then maybe pressing “up” then “enter” would go to that, and the search for guide directs me and the team away from Asana, which is rarely what we are looking to do, we click it more based on mistake than we do on purpose. At the very least I wish this would be hideable or just moved down to the bottom.

Just because it’s a “new feature” shouldn’t give it such premium positioning when it’s what the end-user is looking for maybe 5% of the time.

Finally frustrated enough to say something here as I’ve already wasted so much time and frustration from it.
