Where does a NON-premium user can find the unassigned tasks?

I’m so frustrated :frowning:
I have the basic user, non premium, and by mistake I’ve unassigned a task (without a project either).
Now how do I find it??
I don’t want to buy a premium just to find this one task!

Sorry to hear this, @Ruth_H.

Is it too late to use the browser back button to maybe return to the task when you unassigned it?

Or do you recall some words in the task title and could use the Search box to look for it?

That’s all that I can think of other than emailing support@asana.com which I think could help but may take several days.


The return button didnt help.
& I remember the task name, but still couldn’t find it.
I’ve just started to 30-day premium trial & still didnt find it!
I will contact the support, as you suggested.
So weird!

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