Where do tasks that are unassigned and without a project go?

I just realized that I have no idea where my tasks that are unassigned and without a project go. I unassigned a task on My Task list that didn’t have a project and now I’m not sure where it’s at.

Is there somewhere I can go to see all of my unassigned and un-projected tasks?

If you’re Premium then you can use Advanced Search. And by default you have a report “Tasks I created” where you can find them (but not only unassigned).


Awesome! Thank you @Julien_RENAUD! I see them in the “Tasks I Created” report.


Having a similar problem myself. If I add a ask to “My tasks” and then un-assign it, there seems to be no easy way to find it without doing a advanced search.

I jus assign myself a bunch of tasks at the start of he day, any I dont get done, I unnassign. But I realise a bunch of tasks have gone missing becuase they were created in the “My tasks” view. Seems like a easy thing to do. Is there a way to set a default project?

Whats the official/correct workflow on this?

In addition to using the “Tasks I Created” report, as Julien mentioned Premium users can use Advanced Search - to find those orphaned tasks that have no project assigned, enter No Project in the Advanced Search “In projects” field. The Asana Guide has this and other similar tips for Advanced Search.

So for people that are not Premium Members, the tasks are just lost? I was not the original creator of the tasks, so there doesn’t seem to be a way to find any of them. They are not deleted, there’s just no way to display them…?


Hi, if you don’t know who created it, where do they go? I searched everything above and still can’t find it. I have a business account and I am Admin.

Hi @Kristin_Sturgeon have you tried to search the task title? Can you remember it?
OR you can use advanced search with modification date if you know when the changes were made?

It seems non-intuitive that the only way to see an ‘untethered’ tasks is search for it.
Especially for non-Premium members, like @Chris_K has pointed out.

On my device it always auto-assigns ‘new task’ to ‘me’ which seems sensible. however that means scrolling/sorting tasks with due dates and projects to find them.

I use Asana with a GTD approach so a default project In Tray (capture) aligns well but it’s still essentially a work around a native landing inbox.

  • There should be a default project for any new tasks not assigned to projects
  • There should be a option to find ‘tasks not assigned to anyone’
    and perhaps this can be the same shortcut / project / designation

Yes agreed! There needs to be a bucket for tasks not assigned to a project. They can’t just go into a black hole.


I had this issue as well and I think it was due to removing a project I was using for CSV file importing. I could not figure out how to search on a null/blank project but I could put in all the known projects and use the Not to find them. I created a temporary and private project and mapped them all with multi-select feature and will dispose of them after a settle period.