We're extending our spreadsheet view to My Tasks!

Update 12/8/2020: In just one week, Asana rectified this by adding the Tags toggle after pausing the rollout to do so. That’s a terrific response to our requests–thank you, @Marie!

Thanks, @Marie, for diligently pursuing this and doing all you can for all of us.

Please pass along the following to the product team:

Breaking customers’ workflow without notice or recourse has been known to be a bad business practice for a long time and most modern apps never do this, yet Asana has just done this (and it’s not the first time).

For example, Google gives months of notice, and they may offer opt-in/rollback freely, and then gives advance notice of a final date when you must opt-in or be converted over. Asana’s API deprecation framework approach is somewhat similar (and appreciated).

Large clients have complained to me–they are not satisfied with Asana’s approach to change management. I’m also often not satisfied as well. And because as an Asana consultant I advocate adoption of Asana and have high standards of conduct, this presents a real (ethical) issue for me.

Mistakes are mistakes and understandable. But if the product team is consciously breaking customers’ workflows without warning or recourse, I hope you’ll do a “Five Whys” analysis and be transparent with the findings. And adopt more considerate change management approaches in the future.

