Using Templates In An Existing Project

I am having the same issue and our company is opting out of the software as a result. Has Asana resolved this? I cannot believe we can’t do something so crucial like this.


Agreed, it’s 2023. And the demand for this feature has been brought up over and over. Without this feature being an action possible in the automated rules, a team like mine needs more robust automation than what Asana is providing.

Any progress here? I have created about 10 templates that I use for various sessions with clients. I want to be able to insert the template (read pre-defined tasks) into my client project.

The alternative seems to be to turn my template into a new project for my client, but it’s not located in my client project. It’s disjointed and messy.

I have created a custom template that I would like to add to existing projects, but the online guide only seems to indicate that I can use a template to start a new project. Any advice on how to add my custom template to an existing project instead?



Adding a template to a project does not really make sense in terms of words :thinking: do you want to apply a template to an existing project? If yes, this indeed does not exist and there is possibly an existing thread on the topic.

Hope this helps.

Hi @Karen_Peterman, welcome to the Asana Community Forum and thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

This feature isn’t available right now but I’m moving your thread to the #productfeedback category for the time being to give you and other community members an option to vote for this feature! :slight_smile:


There are components that do not alter data such as the names used for custom fields or their values. The same goes for column order and so forth. Other parts can destroy data, e.g. delete a custom field (which is resolved with a CRITICAL warning and perhaps a SETTINGS value of allow/do not allow to apply destructive templates to existing datasets).
Anyhow there is a LOT of good uses as many of these user created UIs (which is what in part a template does) change over time. Furthermore you can LINK templates to auto-update when the master template changes. Perhaps a new template type can be created, UI Templates.
There are many ways to implement this but if you have many users using the same template for a long time and you want to fix an error (e.g. missed a value in a multi-select custom field), now your only option is to go to each one and have it changed manually or start new projects with the fixed template and move all tasks, both terrible solutions if you have 80-100 projects with 8-12 people.
HUGE waste of time.


Couldn’t agree more. We are launching Asana for 50 employees today. And we realized 2 useful rules were missing. I had to go through every single project and have a meeting with every single person to create those two rules… .when a template could fix it all. Then if there are conflicts, as Patricio said, we’ll see warnings, no big deal… I really hope this thread gets attention and votes… this is actually one of the critical things for us.


We would love to have this feature that you’re talking about. We create projects from a template and often need to change the template and all projects that are offspring of that template. It takes us a lot of time to go through each project and correct the tasks to match our updated template.


Has there been any update to this? We recently started using Asana for client projects and this is a recurring issue. We have a global template we want to use for client projects, but there are cases where we need to add something to the global template. Instead of applying the change at a global level, we have to go into each client project. It’s a huge waste of time and seems silly.


Has there been any update to this?

We are using ASANA for 70 employees within the construction industry. We have different templates set up for different phases of the one Project. But there is no way of importing each phase (template) to an existing project and no way of adding multiple template to the same project. Unfortunately, this is a major flaw with ASANA and one that might force us to move to another program tool.


The new “Bundles” feature (available only at the Enterprise plan level) addresses this request to a great extent.



Super annoying to create this basic feature as a uber-premium feature.


any update on this ?

@Matt_Furkan_Kocer Bundles are available

What do you mean bundles? you mean bundle on enterprise?

You said “any update” on Larry saying “Bundles are available” so I was just doubling down: the Bundles feature in Enterprise is available. What update were you expecting? :slight_smile:

the fact you dont offer a rule to create a project using a template, then when some one wants to change a project with a new template but have to upgrade to “enterprise”. then when customers get annoyed you give a snobby answer.

going cancel if this how the employees are.

Hi @miles_aston,

Not sure which answer(s) above you’re defining as “snobby” - IMO I don’t think anything above qualifies - but please note that none of the messages in this thread are from employees, except one from Rebecca (who’s no longer with Asana) from 2 years ago. This forum is primarily a user-to-user discussion space; the responses in this thread are not from Asana employees but from users like me who are committed to the Asana community and are doing our best to provide answers and support to other users.


I also need this feature, for sure. We have a Zap that starts a new project when a new client signs a contract, but then if we could add new Sections to their project later on, that pulled from existing Project templates, it would save us SO much time.

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