Users are not receiving ASANA emails when they are "mentioned" on the tasks comments

Users are not receiving ASANA emails when they are “mentioned” on the tasks comments. They are also the task “owners”

I already checked the Settings of the users I am sending comments to, and they all have the “mentions” option enabled on “Email Notifications” settings.

Any idea what could be the issue?



Perhaps start by verifying that they are task Collaborators (the @mention should ensure that, but just want to be positive).

Then determine if the notifications went to their Asana Inboxes; it should have.

Any chance the email notification went to spam?

Those are a few things to try. You may then want to ry these troubleshooting steps, then please create a support ticket: temporarily see Try the new Asana Help Center! - #55.

Also, may I move this topic out of this private category so 700k+ others can benefit from it?



Hi Larry,

Thanks for the tips. I’ll check some of these steps.

As for the task collaborators, the @mention is actually to the “task Owner” , so I assume they become automatically task collaborators

Also, please, go ahead and remove from the private. I am new to being an Ambassador, so definitely still figuring out the best way to communicate with the community.


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