Urgent - Removing moving my personal workspace from one employer organization to another

HI There
I need urgent assistance and support is taking too long to respond.

I have had a personal asana account for years. My company also uses Asana. Once the app came out, I added my Personal workspace to my company’s organization.
I am not switching employers and want to move my personal workspace to my new employer’s asana organization (again so that I can easily switch between my personal and work tasks on my phone).

My last day is Thursday - I really need help with this now urgently please. Any work around or suggestion for how I can keep all of my personal and work items separate but easily accessible on my phone would really be appreciated. Thank you!

Perhaps I just need confirmation that as long as my personal email is associated with the personal space, once I am removed from my first employer’s organization I will still have access to my personal workspace? Thank you

Welcome, @Veer_Siddiqui,

I believe it’s as you describe it in your second post–as long as your profile lists the two (or more) email addresses associated to all your orgs/workspsaces, you can then toggle between them.

But it would be great if someone else confirmed here too to be sure!


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