So I mainly use Asana for many of my professional tasks. But I want to use only 1 account, and will need the ability to incorporate my personal tasks or errands.
Since I am using organization, is it possible still to create a workspace which will be assigned for personal stuff. Yes, or no? If no I am suspected there is a work around here via teams or includion of personap email? Pls. advise
Hi @Jan_Go, great question!
Yes, you can of course create a Workspace for personal tasks while using an Organization. Just follow the step here to create a Workspace:
I hope this helps! 
Thanks @Rebecca_McGrath . I noticed that in creating the workspace, while it is still under 1 account. I have account seems to reboot, and reconfigure everything to the personal workspace. Anyway, is this secured and will not be available to people in the organisation?
Hi @Jan_Go, thanks for getting back to me. Workspaces are completely separate spaces to Organizations with hard walls in between both. It will not be possible to users in your Organization to see your Workspace, unless you specifically add them! 
Nice clarification! Thank you @Rebecca_McGrath and for the speedy reply! Well appreciated.
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