Hello . . . I am new to Asana and am wondering if someone can explain to me the definition of “Upcoming” vs “Later” in the “My Tasks” project page. It is my understanding that “Upcoming” refers to tasks with a due date of next week, and “Later” refers to any task with a due date beyond next week. I am wondering if ‘next week’ refers to a new calendar week, or seven days from today. As an example, today is Thursday. Does “next week” start this coming Sunday (or Monday, if Asana defines a new week starting on Monday) . . . or does it start next Thursday (7 days from today)? Probably should be obvious to me, but it isn’t.
On a related note, shouldn’t tasks automatically appear in their appropriate section (“Upcoming” or “Later” - whatever that may be based on my question above) based on their due date? And should they not migrate ‘automatically’ (without my dragging and dropping) to a different section (“Upcoming”, “Later” or even “Today”) if the due date is changed after the task was initially created. For example, if I have a task with due date scheduled for next Friday this should have automatically appeared in “Later”. But if I change the due date to tomorrow (which would be THIS Friday, as of this writing), I should expect it to automatically migrate to the “Upcoming” category, right? The reason I ask is because this does not seem to be happening for me. I have some tasks due on the same day but which are populating in two different sections on the My Tasks page. For example, I have two tasks due this coming Sunday, but one is in the Upcoming section, and the other in the Later section.
Thanks for any clarification you can provide.